City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.400
Section 17C.400.040

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.400 Interim Housing Regulations Adopted to Implement RCW 36.70A.600(1)

Section 17C.400.040 Pilot Center and Corridors Development Standards
  1. Purpose.

Center and corridor zones implement the comprehensive plan by encouraging concentrated employment, shopping, and residential activities in shared locations. The standards of this section allow for more flexibility for residential development in center and corridor zones in order to improve financial feasibility, increase housing supply, and improve the vibrancy of these areas.

  1. Applicability.
  1. The provisions of this section apply only to development where a minimum of fifty percent of the floor area will be a residential use.
  1. In the event of a conflict, the provisions of this section supersede the standards and requirements of other sections of Title 17 SMC for center and corridor zones CC1, CC2, and CC4. Where this chapter does not provide a standard, the standards of applicable sections in Title 17 SMC shall govern, including but not limited to:
  1. Engineering standards as described in Title 17H SMC.
  1. Environmental standards as described in Title 17E SMC.
  1. Design standards as described in Title 17C.122.060 SMC.
  1. Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
    1. Minimum floor area ratio
  1. In the CC1 and CC2 zone, a minimum FAR of 1.0 shall be required. In the CC4 zone, a minimum FAR of 0.5 shall be required.
  1. Outdoor public spaces such as plazas, sheltered entries, courtyards, outdoor cafes, or widened sidewalks with seating may be counted toward the minimum FAR.
    1. Maximum floor area ratio

There is no maximum FAR.

  1. Maximum Building Height

Table 17C.400-.040-1






Neighborhood Center

55 ft.

55 ft.

55 ft.

District Center or Corridor

70 ft.

70 ft.

55 ft.

Employment Center

150 ft.

150 ft.


  1. Building Height Transition Requirement
  1. Applicability

This subsection applies to all development in a center and corridor zone within 150 ft. of any R1 or R2 zone.

  1. Transition Requirement

Starting at a height of 30 ft. at the residential zone boundary, additional building height may be added at a ratio of 1 to 1 (1 ft. of additional building height for every 1 ft. of additional horizontal distance from the closest R1 or R2 zone).

The transition requirement ends 150 ft. from the R1 or R2 zone boundary. Beyond the transition the maximum building height of the zone applies.

  1. Vehicle Parking
  1. Applicability

This subsection applies to the residential portion of development on lots wholly or partially within 500 ft. of a major transit stop as defined in 17C.400.010(B)(2).

  1. Minimum Parking Spaces

Table 17C.400.040-2



Residential Uses

Total number of residential units

Minimum parking spaces




0.2 per unit


0.25 per unit


0.33 per unit

Nonresidential Uses

CC1, CC2, CC4 [1]

Minimum ratio is 1 stall per 1,000 gross square feet of floor area.

Maximum ratio is 4 stalls per 1,000 gross square feet of floor area.

[1] See exceptions in SMC 17C.230.130, CC and Downtown Zone Parking Exceptions.

  1. Bicycle Parking

Bicycle parking facilities, either off-street or in the street right-of-way, shall be provided.

  1. The number of spaces shall be the largest amount based on either subsections (a) or (b) below.
  1. The number of required bicycle parking spaces shall be ten percent of the number of off-street auto parking spaces being provided, whether the auto parking spaces are required by code or not, not to be less than one bicycle parking space.
  1. A minimum of one bicycle parking space shall be provided for every ten thousand square feet of building area. When a building is less than ten thousand square feet in building area at least one bicycle parking space shall be provided.
  1. When any covered automobile parking is provided, all bicycle parking shall be covered.
  1. All bicycle parking facilities in the street right-of-way shall conform to City engineering services department standards.

Interim Zoning duration: December 28, 2023, - June 28, 2024.

Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023

Effective Date: Thursday, December 28, 2023

ORD C36458 Section 3

September 26, 2024