Council Consideration

City Council wants to hear from you!
The Council Consideration page will host top legislative items up for a vote by the City Council. Your valuable feedback from the comment form will be provided to Council Members, allowing them to consider your opinions. Make sure your voice is heard by sharing your thoughts.

Minimum Notice of Rent Increase Ordinance

Ordinance C36515 includes both the original version and a proposed amendment. If the proposed amendment is adopted, the minimum notice for any residential rent increase of 3% or less would be extended from 60 days, the minimum provided under state law, to 120 days. If the rental increase is more than 3%, the minimum notice would be 180 days. The ordinance only applies to lease arrangements entered after its effective date. Certain types of subsidized housing would not be affected by the ordinance.

First reading is April 22. Final council action is scheduled for April 29.

Feedback for Council

Comments for Council and Pro/Con Sign-In

Paper Reduction Resolution

Paper usage has a significant impact on our environment, and this resolution encourages paper reduction where acceptable within City Hall. Internally, Council and administration will work to determine the total paper usage patterns and reduce paper usage wherever applicable. This can be achieved by using efficient tools like platforms, programs, or apps, circulating materials in advance, using electronic displays, utilizing remote meeting options, and encouraging the use of laptops or devices to take notes.

Feedback for Council

Comments for Council and Pro/Con Sign-In

Emergency Ordinances

An ordinance is a law created by a local government, covering various topics such as zoning and rental building requirements. Once approved, it goes into effect after the Mayor signs it. Emergency ordinances go into effect immediately after they are passed by the council, without veto or citizen referendum. This ordinance establishes a detailed definition of "emergency" for future legislation and requires certain findings before adopting an emergency ordinance, ensuring appropriate use.

First reading is April 22. Final council action is scheduled for April 29.

Feedback for Council

Comments for Council and Pro/Con Sign-In

Transportation Commission Ordinance

This ordinance will create a Citizens’ Transportation Commission. Several boards and groups advise on transportation issues, including street improvements, bikeways, and pedestrian safety matters, among others. The purpose of the Transportation Commission is to unify the roles of various existing transportation-related boards, committees, and sub-committees and create a transparent process for passing formal recommendations to the City Council and the Mayor’s Office regarding transportation policies, initiatives, projects, and programs. The Commission would consist of nine members, all citizens from various city sectors and with various transportation system expertise.

Council Action Date: May 6th

Feedback for Council

Comments for Council and Pro/Con Sign-In

Contact Information

City Council Office
City Hall, 7th floor
808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201