City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

***Note: Many local criminal codes can now be located under Chapter 10.60 SMC while others are now cited under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), which was incorporated into the municipal code in 2022. (See SMC 10.58.010). Code Enforcement, including Noise Control and Animal Regulations are located in Chapters 10.62 through 10.74.

Title 17G
Chapter 17G.080
Sections 17G.080.060...

Title 17G Administration and Procedures

Chapter 17G.080 Subdivisions

Section 17G.080.060 Binding Site Plan
  1. Purpose.

The purpose of this section is to allow for the more flexible creation of lots within an overall development site plan.

  1. Predevelopment Meeting.

A predevelopment meeting is recommended if the proposal is located in the central business district, unless waived by the director, and is recommended for all other proposals prior to submittal of the application. The purpose of a predevelopment meeting is to acquaint the applicant with the applicable provisions of this chapter, minimum submission requirements and other plans or regulations, which may impact the proposal.

  1. Preliminary Binding Site Plan Application and Map Requirements.
    1. A binding site plan may be used for divisions of land in all zones. Applications for approval of a preliminary binding site plan shall be filed with the director. All applications shall be submitted on forms provided for such purpose by the department. The director may waive specific submittal requirements determined to be unnecessary for review of the application. The application shall be same in form and contents as a short plat as provided in SMC 17G.080.040(B)(1).
    1. Contents of Preliminary Binding Site Plan.

The preliminary binding site plan shall be prepared by a land surveyor and shall be the same in form and content as a short plat as provided in SMC 17G.080.040(B)(2) with the following additions:

      1. Proposed building footprints;
      1. Proposed street accesses;
      1. Proposed parking and internal vehicle circulation;
      1. Proposed pedestrian pathways;
      1. Proposed landscaped areas; and
      1. Proposed stormwater facilities.
  1. Public Notice

All public notice of the application shall be given in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 17C.061 SMC for a Type II application.

  1. Departmental Review of Preliminary Binding Site Plan

The application shall be reviewed in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 17G.061 SMC for a Type II application.

  1. Preliminary Binding Site Plan Decision Criteria

Prior to approval of the application, the director shall find the application to be in the public use and interest, conform to applicable land use controls and the comprehensive plan of the City, and the decision criteria set forth in SMC 17G.080.025. The director has the authority to approve or disapprove a proposed preliminary binding site plan under the provisions of this chapter, subject to appeal as provided in chapter 17G.061 SMC.

  1. Final Binding Site Plan Review Procedure

The final binding site plan procedures shall be the same in form as the short plat review procedure as provided in SMC 17G.080.040(G).

  1. Final Binding Site Plan Requirements.

The subdivider shall submit to the director a final binding site plan in the same form and with the same content as the preliminary binding site plan, with the following exceptions or additional requirements:

    1. A final binding site plan shall contain all the information required of the preliminary plan, except the following:
      1. Show existing buildings.
      1. Show existing utility lines and underground structures.
      1. Show the topographical elevations; or
      1. Contain the names and addresses of adjoining landowners.
    1. The final binding site plan shall include the signatory statements as provided in SMC 17G.080.040(G)(2).
  1. Filing

Once the final binding site plan has been reviewed, approved and signed by the applicable departments, the applicant shall file the final binding site plan with the county auditor within ten days of final approval. No permits shall be issued for a proposed lot until the required conformed copies of the binding site plan have been submitted to the department.

  1. Creation of Additional Lots in Final Binding Site Plan

A survey may be filed following the recording of a final binding site plan to create additional lots within the boundaries of the final binding site plan, consistent with the preliminary binding site plan approval, conditions and expiration provisions (SMC 17G.080.020(C)). The survey shall be reviewed and approved by the director pursuant to subsections (F) and (G) of this section. In addition, the survey shall conform to the following:

    1. Title shall state: “Amendment to BSP-___-____.”
    1. The binding site plan file number shall be referenced.
    1. A distinct wide boundary line shall delineate the boundary of the lot(s) being created. The boundary of the binding site plan shall be indicated and any lot(s) that have been created by filing of the final binding site plan and/or record of survey.
    1. Each lot shall be numbered consecutively, and the size of each lot shall be indicated on the survey; and
    1. A revision block listing all previously recorded surveys and the date of recording.

Date Passed: Monday, November 4, 2024

Effective Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2025

ORD C36596 Section 12

Section 17G.080.060 Binding Site Plan
  1. Purpose.

The purpose of this section is to allow for the more flexible creation of lots within an overall development site plan.

  1. Predevelopment Meeting.

A predevelopment meeting is recommended if the proposal is located in the central business district, unless waived by the director, and is recommended for all other proposals prior to submittal of the application. The purpose of a predevelopment meeting is to acquaint the applicant with the applicable provisions of this chapter, minimum submission requirements and other plans or regulations, which may impact the proposal.

  1. Preliminary Binding Site Plan Application and Map Requirements.
    1. A binding site plan may be used for divisions of land in all zones. Applications for approval of a preliminary binding site plan shall be filed with the director. All applications shall be submitted on forms provided for such purpose by the department. The director may waive specific submittal requirements determined to be unnecessary for review of the application. The application shall be same in form and contents as a short plat as provided in SMC 17G.080.040(B)(1).
    1. Contents of Preliminary Binding Site Plan.

The preliminary binding site plan shall be prepared by a land surveyor and shall be the same in form and content as a short plat as provided in SMC 17G.080.040(B)(2) with the following additions:

      1. Proposed building footprints;
      1. Proposed street accesses;
      1. Proposed parking and internal vehicle circulation;
      1. Proposed pedestrian pathways;
      1. Proposed landscaped areas; and
      1. Proposed stormwater facilities.
  1. Public Notice

All public notice of the application shall be given in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 17C.061 SMC for a Type II application.

  1. Departmental Review of Preliminary Binding Site Plan

The application shall be reviewed in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 17G.061 SMC for a Type II application.

  1. Preliminary Binding Site Plan Decision Criteria

Prior to approval of the application, the director shall find the application to be in the public use and interest, conform to applicable land use controls and the comprehensive plan of the City, and the decision criteria set forth in SMC 17G.080.025. The director has the authority to approve or disapprove a proposed preliminary binding site plan under the provisions of this chapter, subject to appeal as provided in chapter 17G.061 SMC.

  1. Final Binding Site Plan Review Procedure

The final binding site plan procedures shall be the same in form as the short plat review procedure as provided in SMC 17G.080.040(G).

  1. Final Binding Site Plan Requirements.

The subdivider shall submit to the director a final binding site plan in the same form and with the same content as the preliminary binding site plan, with the following exceptions or additional requirements:

    1. A final binding site plan shall contain all the information required of the preliminary plan, except the following:
      1. Show existing buildings.
      1. Show existing utility lines and underground structures.
      1. Show the topographical elevations; or
      1. Contain the names and addresses of adjoining landowners.
    1. The final binding site plan shall include the signatory statements as provided in SMC 17G.080.040(G)(2).
  1. Filing

Once the final binding site plan has been reviewed, approved and signed by the applicable departments, the applicant shall file the final binding site plan with the county auditor within ten days of final approval. No permits shall be issued for a proposed lot until the required conformed copies of the binding site plan have been submitted to the department.

  1. Creation of Additional Lots in Final Binding Site Plan

A survey may be filed following the recording of a final binding site plan to create additional lots within the boundaries of the final binding site plan, consistent with the preliminary binding site plan approval, conditions and expiration provisions (SMC 17G.080.020(C)). The survey shall be reviewed and approved by the director pursuant to subsections (F) and (G) of this section. In addition, the survey shall conform to the following:

    1. Title shall state: “Amendment to BSP-___-____.”
    1. The binding site plan file number shall be referenced.
    1. A distinct wide boundary line shall delineate the boundary of the lot(s) being created. The boundary of the binding site plan shall be indicated and any lot(s) that have been created by filing of the final binding site plan and/or record of survey.
    1. Each lot shall be numbered consecutively, and the size of each lot shall be indicated on the survey; and
    1. A revision block listing all previously recorded surveys and the date of recording.

Date Passed: Monday, November 4, 2024

Effective Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2025

ORD C36596 Section 12