Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.111 Residential Zones
Section 17C.111.445 Front Yards and Entrances
To provide separation between buildings and the public pedestrian realm where the front yard functions as usable outdoor space and provides a clear, welcoming and safe entry for pedestrians from the sidewalk into the building.
Front Yards/Entrances Implementation.
Primary building entries shall be clearly identifiable and visible from the street, with well-defined walkways from pedestrian routes to building entries. (R)
Four or more of the following elements shall be used to highlight the main entrance to multifamily buildings: (P)
Open space, plaza or courtyard.
Special paving.
Ornamental gate and/or fence.
Water features.
Planter boxes or pots.
Functional, accent lighting.
Art work near the entry.
Front yards shall include an entrance sequence between the sidewalk and the building including elements such as trellises, site furnishings, low hedges, landscaped borders and special paving. Landscaping shall screen undesirable elements such as views to adjacent commercial or industrial development, utility boxes, outdoor storage areas and dumpsters. (P)
Pedestrian scale lighting and/or bollards shall be provided to create a safe and defensible walkway to the entry. (R)
Signage identifying building address shall be visible from the street and public pedestrian walkway. (P)
Landscape planting should consider the use of native shrubs and groundcovers. (C)
Accent lighting should be used to highlight special focal points, building/site entrances, public art and special landscape features. (C)
Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023
Effective Date: Monday, January 1, 2024
ORD C36459 Section 16