Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.111 Residential Zones
Section 17C.111.525 Landscaped Areas
The standards for landscaped areas are intended to enhance the overall appearance of institutional uses in residential zones. The landscaping improves the residential character of the area, breaks up large expanses of paved areas and structures, provides privacy to the residents and provides separation from streets. It also helps in reducing stormwater runoff by providing a pervious surface.
Landscaping Standards.
Building Setbacks.
The required building setbacks must be landscaped to at least the L3 standard of chapter 17C.200 SMC , Landscaping and Screening. Parking, access, and maneuvering areas, plazas, detached accessory structures and other allowed development are exempt from this standard. Sites developed with a detached house, attached house or duplex are also exempt from this standard. (R)
Parking Areas.
Perimeter and internal parking area landscaping standards are stated in chapter 17C.200 SMC , Landscaping and Screening. (R)
Utility Substations.
The entire perimeter, including the street lot line (except for the access point), must be landscaped to the L2 standards of chapter 17C.200 SMC , Landscaping and Screening. This landscaping must be planted on the outside of any security fence. Utility substations that are in a fully enclosed building are exempt from this requirement. (R)
Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023
Effective Date: Monday, January 1, 2024
ORD C36459 Section 16