Title 10 Regulation of Activ ities
Div ision II. License Code
Chapter 10.33A 1986 Fireworks Code
Section 10.33A.030 Application for Permit
An applicant for any permit required under this chapter makes written application, accompanied by tender of the fee, to the fire official, at least forty-fiv e days for large public outdoor fireworks displays (those requiring standby fire department staffing) and at least ten days for smaller indoor proximate displays prior to commencement of the activ ity for which the permit is sought. The form of the application and the criteria for issuance, denial, or issuance with conditions shall be the same as used by the state director of fire protection in processing applications for the corresponding state license. It is the intent of this subsection that local permits follow the provisions and procedures for state licenses as closely as practical.
Because the possession or use of consumer fireworks is prohibited in the City at all times, no permit for retail sale is granted.
Should the fire official find an application to be complete and in compliance with all the requirements of state statute and regulations and the building and land use provisions of this code, the official, in the case of:
A Public Display.
Files the application with the city council along with a recommendation for its grant or denial.
All Other Permits.
Grants, denies, or grants with conditions the application.
Date Passed: Monday, October 19, 2009
Effectiv e Date: Sunday, November 22, 2009
ORD C34488 Section 19