Title 10 Regulation of Activ ities
Div ision II. License Code
Chapter 10.34A For-Hire Transportation
Section 10.34A.140 License Issuance; Expiration; Non-Transferability; Disclosure and Display
Upon issuance of a for-hire driv er license, the license officer shall incorporate one of the applicant’s photographs into the license, along with licensee’s name and assigns a number to the license. The other photograph is kept on file by the licensing officer.
All for-hire operator and for hire vehicles licenses required by this chapter shall expire from the date of issuance each year on October 31st. Licensing fees for the current year may be prorated beginning with the first day of the month after the application is complete and all required documents submitted to the licensing officer.
For hire driv ers licenses required by this chapter shall expire one year from date of issuance.
For-hire licenses issued under this chapter are not transferable.
Every holder of a for-hire driv er license issued under this chapter shall display such license in a conspicuous place such as (for driv ers) inside the vehicle and clearly visible from the passenger compartment at all times. For TNCs, the TNC’s digital network and/or web site must display the name and photograph of the TNC driv er and the license plate number of the TNC vehicle to the potential passenger before the passenger enters the vehicle.
All for-hire driv ers must, at all times in which the driv er is providing for-hire transportation services or (in the case of TNCs) activ e on the TNC’s system, display in a manner that is visible to the passengers, a copy of the for-hire driv er license.
Date Passed: Monday, September 14, 2020
Effectiv e Date: Monday, September 14, 2020
ORD C35938 Section 5