Title 10 Regulation of Activities
Chapter 10.51 Mobile Food Vendors
Section 10.51.060 Mobile Food Vending Located Entirely on Private Property
When vending from or onto a location or locations on private property where all mobile food vending activity takes place entirely on private property, the mobile food vendor’s permit must contain approval for the vendor to vend at that particular location or locations. The approval is subject to the following requirements:
The vending location must be located within a zone wherein mobile food vending is a permitted use pursuant to SMC Title 17C.390 .
The mobile food vending unit will be subject to the same land use and development standards applicable to the property as if the unit were a permane nt structure, except that a mobile food vendor shall not be required to make any additional site improvements when:
The mobile food unit will be located on an existing paved parking area that will continue to provide sufficient space for required off street parking and circulation for any other existing uses on the property;
The mobile food unit is a licensed, wheeled vehicle and the wheels will not be removed;
Any canopies, awnings or any other attachments are supported entirely by the mobile food unit and do not touch the ground;
The mobile food unit is self-containe d, with no plumbing conne ctions; and,
The mobile food unit will not be used for “drive thru” vending.
Temporary seating, sandwich board signs, refuse collection containe rs and other temporary appurtenances may be allowed.
The vendor shall obtain and provide to the permit authority, a copy of the written consent from the owne r(s) of the private property or their designated property manager, as to the use and location of the mobile food vendor on their property.
Date Passed: Monday, June 23, 2014
Effective Date: Friday, August 8, 2014
ORD C35097 Section 1