Title 17E Environmental Standards
Chapter 17E.010 Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas – Aquifer Protection
Article IV. Aboveground Storage Tanks
Section 17E.010.530 Authority of Fire Official
The fire official of the City of Spokane, as provided in SMC 3.01.031 and SMC 17F.080.040 , interprets and enforces this article. Any approval, action, permit or other item accomplished under the authority of this article is subject to modification, or imposition of additional conditions or exemption from conditions, in the fire official’s reasonable discretion, guided by the purpose of this article and chapter.
Fees and expenses of compliance shall be the obligation of the parties required to comply, but in specific circumstances the fire official may designate another responsi ble party or may apportion expenses and responsi bilities among parties determined to be at fault.
Any final written order issued by the fire official under the authority of this article may be appealed under the provisions of SMC 17E.010.140 , or as specified by the fire official, who shall have the authority of the critical review officer for purposes of this article.
This article shall not limit any municipal right or remedy pursuant to contract, statute or common law.
Date Passed: Monday, June 13, 2016
Effective Date: Wednesday, July 27, 2016
ORD C35399 Section 29