Title 17E Environmental Standards
Chapter 17E.020 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Areas
Section 17E.020.110 Posting, Covenants and Recording Conditions
During construction, the director may require conditions to be posted on the site that are visible from public rights-of-way and buffer areas to be flagged with temporary markers or temporary fencing.
The director shall require the boundaries of critical areas and their buffers and any permanent conditions imposed be legibly shown and described in a permanent covenant with the property, which must be acceptable to the director and city attorney and shall be recorded in the Spokane County auditor’s office.
The covenant shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any permit or at the time a plat is recorded.
The director may require placement of small permanent visible markers to delineate the areas described in subsection B of this section. Said markers shall be posted at intervals required by the director and must be perpetually maintained by the property owner. The markers shall be worded as follow or with alternative language approved by the director: “The area beyond this sign is a critical area. This sensi tive environment is to be protected from alteration or disturbance. Please call the City of Spokane for more information.” The location of the markers shall be legibly shown and described in the permanent covenant.
Date Passed: Monday, December 3, 2007
Effective Date: Sunday, January 6, 2008
ORD C34147 Section 6