Title 17E Environmental Standards
Chapter 17E.040 Spokane Geologically Hazardous Areas
Section 17E.040.130 Incentives and Stewardship Options
On-site Densi ty Transfer and Clustering.
For residential development proposals on lands containing potential or identified critical areas, including fish and wildlife habitat conservation and/or riparian habitat areas and buffers, the applicant may apply for planned unit development (PUD) under chapter 17G.070 SMC .
The maximum number of dwelling units (DU) for a lot or parcel that contains a geologically hazardous area and buffer is determined by the site's zoning and by the densi ty bonus allowed in chapter 17G.070 SMC .
The provisions of chapter 17G.070 SMC , Planned Unit Developments, shall control the use of densi ty transfer or clustering, planned unit developments, and bonus densi ty. The use of residential densi ty transfer or clustering through the use of planned unit developments (PUDs) including bonus densi ty is encouraged as a means to protect and/or preserve critical areas.
Property Tax and Income Tax Advantages.
Property Tax Relief.
The Spokane County assessor shall consi der the geologically hazardous areas contained within this chapter when determining the fair market value of land (see RCW 84.40.030).
Federal Income Tax Advantages.
There are significant federal income tax advantages that can be realized by an individual or estate for gifts of real property for conservation purposes to local governments or non-profit organizations, such as land trusts. The specific rules on federal income tax deductions can be found in section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Stewardship Options.
The Spokane County conservation district offers stewardship information, classes and technical assistance to property owners. Programs include shoreline stewardship, forestry, small acreage conservation agriculture, water resources and soil information.
Spokane County conservation futures program, initiated in 1994, is funded by a property tax assessed for each home in the County. This tax money is earmarked solely for the acquisition of property and development rights. These funds acquire lands or future development rights on lands for public use and enjoyment. The conservation areas are defined areas of undeveloped land primarily left in its natural condition. These areas may be used for passive recreational purposes, to create secluded areas, or as buffers in urban areas. Conserved lands include wetlands, farmlands, steep hillsides, river corridors, viewpoints and wildlife habitats and corridors.
Date Passed: Monday, December 3, 2007
Effective Date: Sunday, January 6, 2008
ORD C34149 Section 8