Title 17E Environmental Standards
Chapter 17E.050 SEPA
Article II. General Requirements
Section 17E.050.020 Purpose of this Part and Adoption by Reference.
This part contains the basic requirements that apply to the SEPA process. The City of Spokane adopts the following sections of chapter 197-11 WAC by reference.
WAC 197-11-040 Definitions 197-11-050 Lead agency 197-11-055 Timing of the SEPA process 197-11-060 Content of environmental review 197-11-070 Limitations on actions during SEPA process 197-11-080 Incomplete or unavailable information 197-11-090 Supporting documents 197-11-100 Information required of applicants 197-11-158 GMA project review – Reliance on existing plans, laws, and regulations 197-11-210 SEPA/GMA integration 197-11-220 SEPA/GMA definitions 197-11-228 Overall SEPA/GMA integration procedures 197-11-230 Timing of an integrated GMA/SEPA process 197-11-232 SEPA/GMA integration procedures for preliminary planning, environmental analysis, and expanded scoping 197-11-235 Documents 197-11-238 Monitoring 197-11-250 SEPA/Model Toxics Control Act integration 197-11-253 SEPA lead agency for MTCA actions 197-11-256 Preliminary evaluation 197-11-259 Determination of nonsi gnificance for MTCA remedial actions 197-11-262 Determination of significance and EIS for MTCA remedial actions 197-11-265 Early scoping for MTCA remedial actions 197-11-268 MTCA interim actions
Date Passed: Monday, February 21, 2005
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2005
ORD C33583 Section 3