Title 12 Public Ways and Property
Chapter 12.02 Obstruction, Encroachment of Public Ways
Article IV. Obstruction of Public Right-of-way
Section 12.02.0716 Long Term Permits – Temporary Passageway
Where a permit allows the obstruction, disturbance, or other such use of a public street, highway, or alley (including the sidewalk, if any) for an extended period of time and affecting a substantial portion of the public ways, as determined by the development service center manager, said permit privileges will be established by the director in coordination with the street director. Each such request for an obstruction permit will be considered on its own merit and the limits established with due consideration for the needs of the permittee and for the interests of the public.
Permits issued under this section are conditioned upon the permittee’s continued safe maintenance of a temporary passageway for pedestrian use along the public way.
Said temporary passageway shall be a minimum of four feet wide and shall extend from available permanent sidewalks, walkways, or specified pedestrian routes in the areas immediately adjacent to the permit area.
Said temporary passageway shall be constructed of two-inch plank or other approved material laid lengthwise upon good and sufficient supports laid not more than three feet apart.
The location of joining the temporary passageway to the regular sidewalk or pedestrian route must be even. The entire passageway must have a sturdy barrier or railing at least four feet high or other safe design approved by the building official.
Where the temporary passageway abuts property with construction of structures higher than twenty feet, the passageway must be completely covered at a height of a least ten feet with two-inch plank or other approved material resting upon strong supporting joists well fastened and braced to strong posts on both sides.
Chapter 33 of the International Building Code as adopted by the City controls over this section.
Date Passed: Monday, January 11, 2016
Effective Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2016
ORD C35345 Section 5