City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 01
Chapter 01.07

Title 01 General Provisions

Chapter 01.07 Spokane Fair Elections Code

Section 01.07.003 Title;Purpose and Intent
Section 01.07.005 Definitions
Section 01.07.010 Local Voters’ Pamphlet – Pro and Con Committee Statements
Section 01.07.020 Voter Registration & Election Resources
Section 01.07.030 Mandatory Limitations on Campaign Contributions
Section 01.07.040 Prohibition on Campaign Contributions by Contractors
Section 01.07.050 Disclosure of Campaign Contributions by City Bargaining Units
Section 01.07.060 Identification of Contributors Required
Section 01.07.070 Disclosure by Political Committees
Section 01.07.080 REPEALED (Contributions by Incidental Committees)
Section 01.07.090 Contributions by Foreign-Owned Corporations
Section 01.07.100 REPEALED (Complaints and Investigations – Curing of Violations; Process)
Section 01.07.110 Enforcement
Section 01.07.120 Limitations Period
Section 01.07.130 Publicity
Section 01.07.140 Severability
Section 01.07.150 Annual Reporting

September 20, 2024