City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 11
Chapter 11.05

Title 11 Regulation of Building and Land Use

Chapter 11.05 REPEALED (Electrical Code)

Section 11.05.010 REPEALED (Adoption of National Electrical Code)
Section 11.05.020 REPEALED (Permit Required)
Section 11.05.030 REPEALED (Plans and Specifications)
Section 11.05.040 REPEALED (Materials)
Section 11.05.050 REPEALED (Aluminum Conductors)
Section 11.05.060 REPEALED (Alteration and Repair)
Section 11.05.070 REPEALED (Repair of Fire Damage)
Section 11.05.080 REPEALED (Installation Standards)
Section 11.05.090 REPEALED (Snap-in Breakers)
Section 11.05.095 REPEALED (Shell Buildings)
Section 11.05.100 REPEALED (Installation of Residential Service Entrance)
Section 11.05.105 REPEALED (Residential Feeders)
Section 11.05.110 REPEALED (Hot Water Tanks)
Section 11.05.120 REPEALED (Multiple Services)
Section 11.05.130 REPEALED (Spare Circuits)
Section 11.05.140 REPEALED (Wiring for Construction Use)
Section 11.05.150 REPEALED (Barricade Lighting)
Section 11.05.160 REPEALED (Floodlights, Colored Lights)
Section 11.05.170 REPEALED (Inspection)
Section 11.05.180 REPEALED (Certificate of Inspection)
Section 11.05.190 REPEALED (Unapproved Work)
Section 11.05.200 REPEALED (Disconnection of Service)
Section 11.05.210 REPEALED (Underground Loop)
Section 11.05.220 REPEALED (Connection of Service)
Section 11.05.230 REPEALED (Electrical Inspector)
Section 11.05.240 REPEALED (Functions of Electrical Inspector)
Section 11.05.250 REPEALED (Hearing Officer)

February 22, 2025