City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 11
Chapter 11.15

Title 11 Regulation of Building and Land Use

Chapter 11.15 REPEALED (Shoreline Management): Renumbered to Chapter 17E.060 SMC

Article I. General Provisions and Definitions

Section 11.15.010 REPEALED (In General)
Section 11.15.020 REPEALED (Integration with Other Laws)
Section 11.15.030 REPEALED (Scope – Application)
Section 11.15.040 REPEALED (Definitions)
Section 11.15.0401 REPEALED (Accessory Building, Structure, or Use)
Section 11.15.0402 REPEALED (Agriculture)
Section 11.15.0403 REPEALED (Aquaculture)
Section 11.15.0404 REPEALED (Confinement Feeding Operation)
Section 11.15.0405 REPEALED (Date of Filing)
Section 11.15.0406 REPEALED (Dike)
Section 11.15.0407 REPEALED (Dock)
Section 11.15.0408 REPEALED (Environment)
Section 11.15.0409 REPEALED (Farm-oriented)
Section 11.15.0410 REPEALED (Flood)
Section 11.15.0411 REPEALED (Floodplain)
Section 11.15.0412 REPEALED (Floodproofing)
Section 11.15.0413 REPEALED (Floodway Fringe)
Section 11.15.0414 REPEALED (Groin)
Section 11.15.0415 REPEALED (Institutional)
Section 11.15.0416 REPEALED (Interpretive Center)
Section 11.15.0417 REPEALED (Jetty)
Section 11.15.0418 REPEALED (Livestock)
Section 11.15.0420 REPEALED (Obstruction)
Section 11.15.0421 REPEALED (Permanent Structure)
Section 11.15.0422 REPEALED (Regulatory Flood)
Section 11.15.0423 REPEALED (Riprap)
Section 11.15.0424 REPEALED (Shorelines)
Section 11.15.0425 REPEALED (Temporary Structure)
Section 11.15.0426 REPEALED (Water-dependent Uses)
Section 11.15.0427 REPEALED (Water-oriented Uses)

Article II. Environmental Categories

Section 11.15.050 REPEALED (Shoreline Environments)
Section 11.15.051 REPEALED (Conservancy and Natural Environments – Downriver Gorge)
Section 11.15.052 REPEALED (Intensive Urban Environment – Central Falls)
Section 11.15.053 REPEALED (Rural Environment – Latah Creek)
Section 11.15.054 REPEALED (Urban Environment – Upriver)
Section 11.15.060 REPEALED (Shoreline Development Regulations – In General)

Article III. Geographic or Natural Condition Regulations

Section 11.15.070 REPEALED (Cliffs and Banks)
Section 11.15.080 REPEALED (Falls and Rapids)
Section 11.15.090 REPEALED (Floodplain)
Section 11.15.100 REPEALED (Island)
Section 11.15.110 REPEALED (Lake)
Section 11.15.120 REPEALED (Marshes, Bogs, and Swamps)
Section 11.15.130 REPEALED (River, Stream, and Creek)
Section 11.15.140 REPEALED (Sandspits and Bars)

Article IV. Land Use or Activity Regulations

Section 11.15.150 REPEALED (Advertising Signs and Billboards)
Section 11.15.160 REPEALED (Agriculture)
Section 11.15.161 REPEALED (Agriculture – Upriver Environment)
Section 11.15.162 REPEALED (Agriculture – Central Falls Environment)
Section 11.15.163 REPEALED (Agriculture – Downriver Environment)
Section 11.15.164 REPEALED (Agriculture – Latah Creek Environment)
Section 11.15.170 REPEALED (Aquaculture)
Section 11.15.171 REPEALED (Aquaculture – Upriver Environment)
Section 11.15.172 REPEALED (Aquaculture – Central Falls Environment)
Section 11.15.173 REPEALED (Aquaculture – Downriver Environment)
Section 11.15.174 REPEALED (Aquaculture – Latah Creek Environment)
Section 11.15.180 REPEALED (Archaeological – Historic Uses)
Section 11.15.181 REPEALED (Historic Uses – Upriver and Central Falls Environments)
Section 11.15.182 REPEALED (Historic Uses – Downriver Environment)
Section 11.15.183 REPEALED (Historic Uses – Latah Creek Environment)
Section 11.15.190 REPEALED (Commercial Development)
Section 11.15.191 REPEALED (Commercial Development – Upriver and Central Falls Environments)
Section 11.15.192 REPEALED (Commercial Development – Downriver and Latah Creek Environments)
Section 11.15.200 REPEALED (Forest Management Practices)
Section 11.15.201 REPEALED (Forest Management – Upriver and Central Falls Environments)
Section 11.15.202 REPEALED (Forest Management – Downriver and Latah Creek Environments)
Section 11.15.210 REPEALED (Industrial Development)
Section 11.15.211 REPEALED (Industrial Development – Upriver and Central Falls Environments)
Section 11.15.212 REPEALED (Industrial Development – Downriver and Latah Creek Environments)
Section 11.15.220 REPEALED (Institutional Development)
Section 11.15.221 REPEALED (Institutional Development – All Environments)
Section 11.15.230 REPEALED (Marina)
Section 11.15.231 REPEALED (Marina – Upriver and Central Falls Environments)
Section 11.15.232 REPEALED (Marina – Downriver and Latah Creek Evironments)
Section 11.15.240 REPEALED (Mining)
Section 11.15.241 REPEALED (Mining – All Environments)
Section 11.15.250 REPEALED (Piers and Docks)
Section 11.15.251 REPEALED (Piers and Docks – Central Falls Environment)
Section 11.15.252 REPEALED (Piers and Docks – All Other Environments)
Section 11.15.260 REPEALED (Recreational Use)
Section 11.15.261 REPEALED (Recreation – Upriver and Latah Creek Environments)
Section 11.15.262 REPEALED (Recreation – Central Falls Environment)
Section 11.15.263 REPEALED (Recreation – Downriver Environment)
Section 11.15.270 REPEALED (Residential Development)
Section 11.15.271 REPEALED (Residential Development – Location)
Section 11.15.272 REPEALED (Residential Development – Design)
Section 11.15.273 REPEALED (Residential Development – Upriver and Central Falls Enivronments)
Section 11.15.274 REPEALED (Residential Development – Downriver and Latah Creek Environments)
Section 11.15.280 REPEALED (Roads and Railroads)
Section 11.15.281 REPEALED (Roads and Railroads – All Environments)
Section 11.15.290 REPEALED (Utilities)
Section 11.15.291 REPEALED (Utilities – Upriver and Central Falls Environments)
Section 11.15.292 REPEALED (Utilities – Downriver Environment)
Section 11.15.293 REPEALED (Utilities – Latah Creek Environment)

Article V. Shoreline Modification Regulations

Section 11.15.300 REPEALED (Dredging)
Section 11.15.301 REPEALED (Dredging – Downriver Environment)
Section 11.15.302 REPEALED (Dredging – All Other Environments)
Section 11.15.310 REPEALED (Landfill)
Section 11.15.311 REPEALED (Landfill – Upriver and Central Falls Environments)
Section 11.15.312 REPEALED (Landfill – Downriver Environment)
Section 11.15.320 REPEALED (Shoreline Protection)
Section 11.15.321 REPEALED (Shoreline Protection – Downriver Environment)
Section 11.15.322 REPEALED (Shoreline Protection – All Other Environments)
Section 11.15.330 REPEALED (Solid Waste Disposal)

Article VI. Administrative Responsibilities

Section 11.15.340 REPEALED (Building Official)
Section 11.15.341 REPEALED (City Council)
Section 11.15.342 REPEALED (Design Review Board)
Section 11.15.343 REPEALED (Plan Commission)
Section 11.15.344 REPEALED (Planning Director)
Section 11.15.345 REPEALED (Subdivisions)
Section 11.15.346 REPEALED (Street Director)
Section 11.15.347 REPEALED (Hearing Examiner)
Section 11.15.348 REPEALED (Department of Ecology)
Section 11.15.349 REPEALED (Shorelines Hearings Board)

Article VII. Administrative Procedures

Section 11.15.350 REPEALED (Permit Application Process)
Section 11.15.360 REPEALED (State Review Period)
Section 11.15.370 REPEALED (Revision of Permit)
Section 11.15.380 REPEALED (Conditional Use Permit – In General)
Section 11.15.390 REPEALED (Conditional Use Permit – Procedure)
Section 11.15.400 REPEALED (Variance – In General)
Section 11.15.410 REPEALED (Variance – Procedure)
Section 11.15.420 REPEALED (Appeal)
Section 11.15.430 REPEALED (Amendment of Master Program)

September 26, 2024