City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 16
Chapter 16.09

Title 16 REPEALED (Motor Vehicles)

Chapter 16.09 REPEALED (Off-road and Nonhighway Vehicles)

Section 16.09.010 REPEALED (Permission Necessary to Enter Upon Private Lands)
Section 16.09.020 REPEALED (Definitions)
Section 16.09.040 REPEALED (Use Permit Prerequisite to Operation)
Section 16.09.050 REPEALED (Vehicles Exempted from ORV Use Permits and Tags)
Section 16.09.080 REPEALED (ORV Dealers – Number Plates – Violations)
Section 16.09.090 REPEALED (Display of Use Permit and Dealer Tags)
Section 16.09.115 REPEALED (Nonhighway Use)
Section 16.09.117 REPEALED (Operation by Persons Under Thirteen)
Section 16.09.120 REPEALED (Operating Violations)
Section 16.09.121 REPEALED (Off-street Operation of Motorcycles and Motor-driven Cycles Prohibited)
Section 16.09.130 REPEALED (Additional Violations – Penalty)
Section 16.09.135 REPEALED (Parent or Guardian shall Not Authorize or Permit Violation by a Child or Ward)
Section 16.09.136 REPEALED (Liability of Operator, Owner, Lessees for Violations)
Section 16.09.137 REPEALED (Removal and Impoundment of Nonhighway Vehicles)
Section 16.09.140 REPEALED (Accident Reports)
Section 16.09.190 REPEALED (General Penalty – Civil Liability
Section 16.09.200 REPEALED (Enforcement)

September 26, 2024