City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 16
Chapter 16.61

Title 16 REPEALED (Motor Vehicles)

Chapter 16.61 REPEALED (Rules of the Road)

Section 16.61.800 REPEALED (Theft of Motor Vehicle Fuel)

Article I. Obedience to and Effect of Traffic Laws

Section 16.61.005 REPEALED (Chapter Refers to Vehicles Upon Highways – Exceptions)
Section 16.61.015 REPEALED (Obedience to Police Officers, Flaggers, or Fire Fighters – Penalty)
Section 16.61.020 REPEALED (Refusal to Give Information to or Cooperate With Officer)
Section 16.61.021 REPEALED (Duty to Obey Law Enforcement Officer – Authority of Officer)
Section 16.61.022 REPEALED (Failure to Obey Officer – Penalty)
Section 16.61.025 REPEALED (Persons Riding Animals or Driving Animal-drawn Vehicles)
Section 16.61.030 REPEALED (Persons Working on Highway Right-of-way – Exceptions)
Section 16.61.035 REPEALED (Authorized Emergency Vehicles

Article II. Traffic Signs, Signals, and Markings

Section 16.61.050 REPEALED (Obedience to and Required Traffic Control Devices)
Section 16.61.055 REPEALED (Traffic Control Signal Legend)
Section 16.61.060 REPEALED (Pedestrian Control Signals)
Section 16.61.065 REPEALED (Flashing Signals)
Section 16.61.070 REPEALED (Lane Direction Control Signals)
Section 16.61.072 REPEALED (Special Traffic Control Signals – Legend)
Section 16.61.075 REPEALED (Display of Unauthorized Signs, Signals, or Markings)
Section 16.61.077 REPEALED (Signage that may be Required)
Section 16.61.080 REPEALED (Interference With Official Traffic-control Devices or Railroad Signs or Signals)

Article III. Driving on Right Side of Roadway – Overtaking and Passing – Use of Roadway

Section 16.61.100 REPEALED (Keep Right Except when Passing, etc.)
Section 16.61.105 REPEALED (Passing Vehicles Proceeding in Opposite Directions)
Section 16.61.110 REPEALED (Overtaking a Vehicle on the Left)
Section 16.61.115 REPEALED (When Overtaking on the Right is Permitted)
Section 16.61.120 REPEALED (Limitations on Overtaking on the Left)
Section 16.61.125 REPEALED (Further Limitations on Driving to Left of Center of Roadway)
Section 16.61.126 REPEALED (Pedestrians and Bicyclists – Legal Duties)
Section 16.61.130 REPEALED (No-passing Zones)
Section 16.61.135 REPEALED (One-way Roadways and Rotary Traffic Islands)
Section 16.61.140 REPEALED (Driving on Roadways Laned for Traffic)
Section 16.61.145 REPEALED (Following Too Closely)
Section 16.61.150 REPEALED (Driving on Divided Highways)
Section 16.61.155 REPEALED (Restricted Access)
Section 16.61.160 REPEALED (Restrictions on Use of Limited-access Highway – Use by Bicyclists)
Section 16.61.165 REPEALED (Reservation of Portion of Roadway for Use by Public Transportation)

Article IV. Right-of-way

Section 16.61.180 REPEALED (Vehicle Approaching Intersection)
Section 16.61.183 REPEALED (Nonfunctioning Traffic Controls)
Section 16.61.185 REPEALED (Vehicle Turning Left)
Section 16.61.190 REPEALED (Vehicle Entering Stop or Yield Intersection)
Section 16.61.200 REPEALED (Stop Intersections Other than Arterial may be Designated)
Section 16.61.202 REPEALED (Stopping when Traffic Obstructed)
Section 16.61.205 REPEALED (Vehicle Entering Highway from Private Road or Driveway)
Section 16.61.207 REPEALED (Entering and Emerging from Alleys in Congested District)
Section 16.61.210 REPEALED (Operation of Vehicles on Approach of Authorized Emergency Vehicles)
Section 16.61.212 REPEALED (Approaching Stationary Emergency Vehicle)
Section 16.61.215 REPEALED (Highway Construction and Maintenance)
Section 16.61.220 REPEALED (Transit Vehicles)
Section 16.61.221 REPEALED (Special Pedestrian Crossings)

Article V. Pedestrians' Rights and Duties

Section 16.61.230 REPEALED (Pedestrians Subject to Traffic Regulations)
Section 16.61.235 REPEALED (Crosswalks)
Section 16.61.237 REPEALED (Special Pedestrian Crossings)
Section 16.61.240 REPEALED (Crossing at Other than Crosswalks)
Section 16.61.245 REPEALED (Drivers to Exercise Care)
Section 16.61.250 REPEALED (Pedestrians on Roadways)
Section 16.61.255 REPEALED (Pedestrians Soliciting Rides or Business)
Section 16.61.260 REPEALED (Driving Through Safety Zone Prohibited)
Section 16.61.261 REPEALED (Sidewalks, Crosswalks – Pedestrians, Bicycles)
Section 16.61.264 REPEALED (Pedestrians Yield to Emergency Vehicles)
Section 16.61.266 REPEALED (Pedestrians Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs)
Section 16.61.269 REPEALED (Passing Beyond Bridge or Grade Crossing Barrier Prohibited)

Article VI. Turning and Starting and Signals on Stopping and Turning

Section 16.61.290 REPEALED (Required Position and Method of Turning at Intersections)
Section 16.61.295 REPEALED (U-turns)
Section 16.61.300 REPEALED (Starting Parked Vehicle)
Section 16.61.305 REPEALED (Turning, Stopping, Moving Right or Left – Signals Required – Improper Use Prohibited)
Section 16.61.310 REPEALED (Signals by Hand and Arm or Signal Lamps)
Section 16.61.315 REPEALED (Method of Giving Hand and Arm Signals)

Article VII. Special Stops Required

Section 16.61.340 REPEALED (Approaching Train Signal)
Section 16.61.345 REPEALED (All Vehicles Must Stop at Certain Railroad Grade Crossings)
Section 16.61.350 REPEALED (Certain Vehicles Must Stop at All Railroad Grade Crossings – Exceptions)
Section 16.61.355 REPEALED (Moving Heavy Equipment at Railroad Grade Crossings – Notice of Intended Crossing)
Section 16.61.365 REPEALED (Emerging from Alley, Driveway, or Building)
Section 16.61.370 REPEALED (Overtaking or Meeting School Bus – Duties of Bus Driver)
Section 16.61.371 REPEALED (Violators of School Bus Stop Sign Laws – Identification by Vehicle Owner)
Section 16.61.372 REPEALED (Violators of School Bus Stop Sign Laws – Report by Bus Driver – Law Enforcement Investigation)
Section 16.61.375 REPEALED (Overtaking or Meeting Private Carrier Bus – Duties of Bus Driver)
Section 16.61.380 REPEALED (Regulations as to Design, Marking, and Mode of Operating School Buses)
Section 16.61.385 REPEALED (School Patrol – Authority)

Article VIII. Speed Restrictions

Section 16.61.400 REPEALED (Basic Rule and Maximum Limits)
Section 16.61.425 REPEALED (Minimum Speed Regulation – Passing Slow-moving Vehicle)
Section 16.61.427 REPEALED (Slow-moving Vehicle to Pull Off Roadway)
Section 16.61.428 REPEALED (Slow-moving Vehicle Permitted to Drive on Improved Shoulders – When)
Section 16.61.435 REPEALED (Local Authorities to Provide "Stop" or "Yield" Signs at Intersections with Increased Speed Highways – Designated as Arterials)
Section 16.61.440 REPEALED (Maximum Speed Limit when Passing School or Playground Crosswalks – Penalty, Disposition of Proceeds)
Section 16.61.445 REPEALED (Due Care Required)
Section 16.61.450 REPEALED (Maximum Speed, Weight, or Size in Traversing Bridges, Elevated Structures, Tunnels, Underpasses – Posting Limits)
Section 16.61.455 REPEALED (Vehicles With Solid or Hollow Cushion Tires)
Section 16.61.460 REPEALED (Special Speed Limitation on Motor-driven Cycle)
Section 16.61.465 REPEALED (Exceeding Speed Limit Evidence of Reckless Driving)
Section 16.61.470 REPEALED (Speed Traps Defined, Certain Types Permitted – Measured Courses, Speed Measuring Devices, Timing from Aircraft)
Section 16.61.475 REPEALED (Charging Violations of Speed Regulations)

Article IX. Reckless Driving, Driving while Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or any Drug, Vehicular Homicide and Assault

Section 16.61.500 REPEALED (Reckless Driving – Penalty)
Section 16.61.502 REPEALED (Driving Under the Influence)
Section 16.61.503 REPEALED (Driver Under Twenty-one Consuming Alcohol – Penalties)
Section 16.61.504 REPEALED (Physical Control of Vehicle Under the Influence)
Section 16.61.505 REPEALED (Alcohol Violator – Penalty)
Section 16.61.5051 REPEALED (Alcohol Violator With Regular License – Penalties)
Section 16.61.5052 REPEALED (Alcohol Violator With Probationary License – Penalties)
Section 16.61.5053 REPEALED (Alcohol Violator With Suspended or Revoked License – Penalties)
Section 16.61.5054 REPEALED (Alcohol Violators – Additional Fee Distribution (Expires July 1, 1995))
Section 16.61.5055 REPEALED (Alcohol Violators – Penalty Schedule)
Section 16.61.5056 REPEALED (Alcohol Violators – Information School – Evaluation and Treatment)
Section 16.61.5057 REPEALED (Driver Under Twenty-one – Duties Upon being Stopped by Law Enforcement Officer)
Section 16.61.5058 REPEALED (Alcohol Violators – Vehicle Seizure and Forfeiture)
Section 16.61.506 REPEALED (Persons Under Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drug – Evidence – Tests – Information Concerning Tests)
Section 16.61.515 REPEALED (Driving while Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor or Drugs – Penalties)
Section 16.61.5151 REPEALED (Sentences – Intermittent Fulfillment – Restrictions)
Section 16.61.5152 REPEALED (Attendance at Program Focusing on Victims)
Section 16.61.517 REPEALED (Refusal of Alcohol Test – Admissibility as Evidence)
Section 16.61.519 REPEALED (Alcoholic Beverages – Drinking or Open Container in Vehicle on Highway – Exceptions)
Section 16.61.5195 REPEALED (Disguising Alcoholic Beverage Container)
Section 16.61.5249 REPEALED (Negligent Driving – First Degree)
Section 16.61.525 REPEALED (Negligent Driving – Second Degree)
Section 16.61.527 REPEALED (Roadway Construction Zones)
Section 16.61.530 REPEALED (Racing of Vehicles on Highways – Reckless Driving – Exception)
Section 16.61.535 REPEALED (Advertising of Unlawful Speed Attained – Reckless Driving)
Section 16.61.540 REPEALED (“Drugs” – What Included)

Article X. Stopping, Standing, and Parking

Section 16.61.541 REPEALED (Parking Time Limited and Regulated)
Section 16.61.542 REPEALED (Parking Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zones)
Section 16.61.544 REPEALED (Parking Restricted for Snow Removal)
Section 16.61.545 REPEALED (Parking in Such Manner as to Obstruct Traffic)
Section 16.61.549 REPEALED (Commercial Vehicles Backed to Curb)
Section 16.61.550 REPEALED (Special Permits for Standing at Angle to Curb and Backing to Curb)
Section 16.61.552 REPEALED (Parking in Alley Regulated)
Section 16.61.554 REPEALED (Establishment of Special Parking Zones)
Section 16.61.555 REPEALED (Taxicab Zones)
Section 16.61.556 REPEALED (Posting of Taxicab Zones – Revocation of Permits)
Section 16.61.557 REPEALED (Commercial Loading Zones)
Section 16.61.558 REPEALED (Use of Passenger Zones)
Section 16.61.559 REPEALED (Taxicab and Buses to Park Only in Designated Stands – Rights of Other Vehicles in Such Zones)
Section 16.61.560 REPEALED (Stopping, Standing, or Parking Outside Business or Residence Districts)
Section 16.61.561 REPEALED (parking Time Limited and Regulated)
Section 16.61.562 REPEALED (Parking Non-passenger Vehicles in Residence Zones)
Section 16.61.563 REPEALED (Parking in Alley Regulated)
Section 16.61.564 REPEALED (Parking Restricted for Snow Removal or Other Street Needs)
Section 16.61.565 REPEALED (Parking in Such Manner as to Obstruct Traffic)
Section 16.61.566 REPEALED (Standing at Angle to Curb and Backing to Curb Regulated)
Section 16.61.567 REPEALED (Prohibited Parking Practices)
Section 16.61.570 REPEALED (Stopping, Standing, or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places – Reserving Portion of Highway Prohibited)
Section 16.61.5701 REPEALED (Establishment of Special Parking Zones)
Section 16.61.5702 REPEALED (Taxicab Zones)
Section 16.61.5704 REPEALED (Use of Passenger Zones)
Section 16.61.5705 REPEALED (Taxicabs and Buses to Park Only in Designated Stands – Rights of Other Vehicles in Such Zones)
Section 16.61.5706 REPEALED (No Parking in Fire Lane)
Section 16.61.575 REPEALED (Additional Parking Regulations)
Section 16.61.580 REPEALED (Special Parking Privileges for Certain Disabled Persons – Display of Decal – Prohibited Areas)
Section 16.61.581 REPEALED (Indication of Parking Space for Disabled Persons – Failure – Penalty)
Section 16.61.582 REPEALED (Free Parking by Disabled Persons)
Section 16.61.583 REPEALED (Special Plate or Card Issued by Another Jurisdiction)
Section 16.61.584 REPEALED (Parking Spaces Marked – Must Park in Stalls)
Section 16.61.585 REPEALED (Method of Parking)
Section 16.61.586 REPEALED (Parking Time Limit – Deposit of Coins – Maximum Parking Time – Certain Holidays Excepted – Parking Permit)
Section 16.61.587 REPEALED (Overtime Parking)
Section 16.61.588 REPEALED (Feeding Meter Beyond Maximum Parking Time)
Section 16.61.589 REPEALED (Appointment of Registered Disposers)
Section 16.61.590 REPEALED (Unattended Motor Vehicle – Removal from Highway)
Section 16.61.5902 REPEALED (Parking Meter Areas)
Section 16.61.5903 REPEALED (Entertainment Parking District)
Section 16.61.5904 REPEALED (Installation)
Section 16.61.5906 REPEALED (Parking Spaces Marked – Must Park in Stalls)
Section 16.61.5908 REPEALED (Method of Parking)
Section 16.61.591 REPEALED (Must Use Lawful Coins)
Section 16.61.5910 REPEALED (Parking Time Limit – Deposit of Coins – Maximum Parking Time – Certain Holidays Excepted – Parking Permit)
Section 16.61.5912 REPEALED (Overtime Parking)
Section 16.61.5914 REPEALED (Feeding Meter Beyond Maximum Parking Time)
Section 16.61.5916 REPEALED (Unlawful to Park Against Meter Indication)
Section 16.61.5918 REPEALED (Must Use Lawful Coins)
Section 16.61.592 REPEALED (Use of Revenues for Traffic Regulation)
Section 16.61.5920 REPEALED (Use of Revenues for Traffic Regulation)
Section 16.61.5921 REPEALED (No Parking at Hooded Meter)
Section 16.61.5922 REPEALED (Penalties)
Section 16.61.5924 REPEALED (Failure to Comply with Notice of Violation)
Section 16.61.595 REPEALED (Registered Owner Responsible for Unlawful Parking)
Section 16.61.596 REPEALED (Notice on Unlawfully Parked Vehicles)
Section 16.61.597 REPEALED (Penalties)
Section 16.61.598 REPEALED (Failure to Comply with Notice of Violation Attached to Vehicle)

Article XI. Miscellaneous Rules

Section 16.61.600 REPEALED (Unattended Motor Vehicle)
Section 16.61.603 REPEALED (Excessive Idling)
Section 16.61.605 REPEALED (Limitations on Backing)
Section 16.61.606 REPEALED (Driving on Sidewalk Prohibited – Exception)
Section 16.61.608 REPEALED (Operating Motorcycles on Roadways Laned for Traffic)
Section 16.61.610 REPEALED (Riding on Motorcycles)
Section 16.61.611 REPEALED (Motorcycles – Maximum Height for Handlebars)
Section 16.61.612 REPEALED (Riding on Motorcycles – Both Feet Not to be On Same Side)
Section 16.61.613 REPEALED (Motorcycles – Temporary Suspension of Restrictions for Parades or Public Demonstrations)
Section 16.61.614 REPEALED (Riding on Motorcycles – Clinging to Other Vehicles)
Section 16.61.615 REPEALED (Obstructions to Driver’s View or Driving Mechanism)
Section 16.61.620 REPEALED (Opening and Closing Vehicle Doors)
Section 16.61.625 REPEALED (Riding in Trailers or Towed Vehicles)
Section 16.61.630 REPEALED (Coasting Prohibited)
Section 16.61.635 REPEALED (Following Fire Apparatus Prohibited)
Section 16.61.640 REPEALED (Crossing Fire Hose)
Section 16.61.645 REPEALED (Throwing Dangerous Materials on Highway Prohibited – Removal)
Section 16.61.655 REPEALED (Dropping Load, Other Materials – Covering)
Section 16.61.660 REPEALED (Carrying Persons or Animals On Outside Part of Vehicle)
Section 16.61.663 REPEALED (Ski-jogging)
Section 16.61.665 REPEALED (Embracing Another While Driving)
Section 16.61.667 REPEALED (Using a Wireless Communications Device While Driving)
Section 16.61.668 REPEALED (Sending, Reading, or Writing a Text Message While Driving)
Section 16.61.670 REPEALED (Driving With Wheels Off Roadway)
Section 16.61.675 REPEALED (Causing or Permitting Vehicle to be Unlawfully Operated)
Section 16.61.680 REPEALED (Lowering Passenger Motor Vehicle Below Legal Clearance – Penalty)
Section 16.61.685 REPEALED (Leaving Children Unattended in Standing Vehicle With Motor Running – Penalty)
Section 16.61.687 REPEALED (Child Passenger Restraint Required – Conditions – Exceptions – Penalty for Violation – Dismissal – Noncompliance Not Negligence)
Section 16.61.688 REPEALED (Safety Belts – Use Required – Penalties – Exemptions)
Section 16.61.690 REPEALED (Violations relating to Toll Facilities)
Section 16.61.695 REPEALED (Altered Identification Numbers)
Section 16.61.700 REPEALED (Parent or Guardian shall Not Authorize or Permit Violation by a Child or Ward)
Section 16.61.710 REPEALED (Mopeds, Electric-assisted Bicycles – General Requirements and Operation)
Section 16.61.715 REPEALED (Obstructing Traffic at Intersections)
Section 16.61.716 REPEALED (Use of Coasters, Roller Skates, and Similar Devices Restricted)
Section 16.61.717 REPEALED (Dragging and Rough-lock Prohibited)
Section 16.61.718 REPEALED (Unnecessary Motor Noise Prohibited)
Section 16.61.720 REPEALED (Mopeds – Safety Standards)
Section 16.61.730 REPEALED (Wheelchair Conveyances)
Section 16.61.740 REPEALED (Obstructing Traffic at Intersections)
Section 16.61.742 REPEALED (Use of Coasters, Roller Skates, and Similar Devices Restricted)
Section 16.61.744 REPEALED (Dragging and Rough-lock Prohibited)
Section 16.61.746 REPEALED (Unnecessary Motor Noise Prohibited)
Section 16.61.748 REPEALED (Unlawful to Drive Across Freshly Painted Line)

Article XII. Operation on Nonmotorized Vehicles

Section 16.61.750 REPEALED (Effect of Regulations – Penalty)
Section 16.61.755 REPEALED (Traffic Laws Apply to Persons Riding Bicycles)
Section 16.61.758 REPEALED (Hand Signals)
Section 16.61.760 REPEALED (Riding on Bicycles)
Section 16.61.765 REPEALED (Clinging to Vehicles)
Section 16.61.770 REPEALED (Riding on Roadways and Bicycle Paths)
Section 16.61.775 REPEALED (Carrying Articles)
Section 16.61.780 REPEALED (Lamps and Other Equipment on Bicycles)
Section 16.61.783 REPEALED (Bicycle Registration)
Section 16.61.785 REPEALED (Unlawful to Destroy or Mutilate Bicycle Frame Serial Number)
Section 16.61.787 REPEALED (Sidewalk Riding and Parking Regulated)
Section 16.61.790 REPEALED (Rental Agencies)
Section 16.61.795 REPEALED (Authority of the Mayor to Prohibit Riding of Bicycles)

September 26, 2024