City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 16
Chapter 16.63

Title 16 REPEALED (Motor Vehicles)

Chapter 16.63 REPEALED (Disposition of Traffic Infractions)

Section 16.63.020 REPEALED (Violations as Traffic Infractions – Exceptions)
Section 16.63.030 REPEALED (Notice of Traffic Infraction – Issuance – Abandoned Vehicles)
Section 16.63.040 REPEALED (Jurisdiction of Court)
Section 16.63.060 REPEALED (Notice of Traffic Infraction – Determination Final Unless Contested – Form)
Section 16.63.070 REPEALED (Response to Notice – Contesting Determination – Hearing – Failure to Respond or Appear)
Section 16.63.073 REPEALED (Rental Vehicles)
Section 16.63.090 REPEALED (Hearings – Contesting Determination that Infraction Committed – Appeal)
Section 16.63.100 REPEALED (Hearings – Explanation of Mitigating Circumstances)
Section 16.63.110 REPEALED (Monetary Penalties)
Section 16.63.120 REPEALED (Order of Court – Civil Nature – Waiver, Reduction, Suspension of Penalty – Community Service)
Section 16.63.140 REPEALED (Presumption regarding Stopped, Standing, or Parked Vehicles)
Section 16.63.151 REPEALED (Costs and Attorney Fees)
Section 16.63.900 REPEALED (Savings)

September 26, 2024