City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17D
Chapter 17D.030

Title 17D City-wide Standards

Chapter 17D.030 REPEALED (Interim Voluntary Transportation Impact Fees)

Section 17D.030.010 REPEALED (Findings and Authority)
Section 17D.030.020 REPEALED (Definitions)
Section 17D.030.030 REPEALED (Optional Assessment of Voluntary Impact Fees)
Section 17D.030.080 REPEALED (Establishment of Voluntary Impact Fee Account)
Section 17D.030.090 REPEALED (Authorization for Interlocal Agreements)
Section 17D.030.100 REPEALED (Refunds (RCW 82.02.080))
Section 17D.030.110 REPEALED (Use of Funds)
Section 17D.030.130 REPEALED (Appeals)
Section 17D.030.140 REPEALED (Existing Authority Unimpaired)
Section 17D.030.150 REPEALED (Appendix A)

September 26, 2024