City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 01
Chapter 01.04B
Section 01.04B.090

Title 01 General Provisions

Chapter 01.04B Code of Ethics

Part 2 – Ethics Commission

Section 01.04B.090 Restrictions on Ethics Commission Members
  1. Restrictions on Holding Office.

No member or employee of the Ethics Commission may hold any other City or County office, or be an officer of a political party.

  1. Restrictions on Employment.

No member or employee of the Ethics Commission may be a registered lobbyist or campaign consultant, or be employed by or receive gifts or other compensation from a registered lobbyist or campaign consultant. No member of the Ethics Commission may hold employment with the City or County and no employee of the Commission may hold any other employment with the City or County.

  1. Restrictions on Political Activities.

No member or employee of the Ethics Commission may participate in any campaign supporting or opposing a candidate for City elective office, a City ballot measure or a City officer running for any elective office. For the purposes of this section, participation in a campaign includes but is not limited to making contributions to or soliciting contributions from any person within the Ethics Commission's jurisdiction, publicly endorsing or urging endorsement of a candidate or ballot measure or participating in decisions by organizations to participate in a campaign.

  1. Restrictions after Employment.

Members of the Ethics Commission are subject to the post - employment restrictions set forth in the City of Spokane Code of Ethics.

Date Passed: Monday, July 8, 2024

Effective Date: Friday, August 16, 2024

ORD C36532 Section 1

September 26, 2024