City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 02
Chapter 02.05
Section 02.05.020

Title 02 Council and Legislation

Chapter 02.05 Salary Review Commission

Section 02.05.020 Membership – Term – Removal
  1. Membership.

The commission shall consist of five members who are residents and registered voters of the City. Appointment shall be as follows:

    1. Three Commission members shall have experience in the field of personnel management, or a demonstrated knowledge in the administration of compensation and benefits. Two Commission members shall have experience in finance, business management, or other related fields that demonstrate experience beneficial to the review of total compensation and establishment of salary.
    1. All members shall be at-large appointments nominated by the mayor and appointed by the city council.
    1. Applications for positions to the salary review commission shall be reviewed by the City’s ethics committee pursuant to SMC 1.04.170 as an advisory opinion for potential conflicts of interest or other conflicts with the ethics code.
    1. The ethics committee’s advisory opinion shall be filed with the mayor’s office and with the city council.
  1. Term.

Each member of the commission shall serve a four-year term, and no member shall be appointed to more than two terms regardless of whether the terms are held consecutively.

    1. More than two years of a four-year term shall count as a whole term.
    1. Initial appointments shall be as follows:
      1. Three members shall be appointed for a period of four years; and
      1. Two members shall be appointed for two years.
    1. All subsequent appointments or reappointments shall be for a four-year term.
    1. Appointments may be made to complete an unexpired term in the event of a vacancy.
  1. Removal.

Commission members may only be removed during their terms of office by the city council with a recommendation from the mayor for cause of:

    1. incapacity,
    1. incompetence,
    1. neglect of duty,
    1. malfeasance in office, or
    1. for a disqualifying change in:
      1. residence, or
      1. voter status.
  1. Compensation.

Commission members shall serve without compensation.

  1. Qualifications.
    1. Officers, officials, and employees of the City and their immediate family members shall not be eligible to serve on the commission.
      1. For the purposes of this section, “immediate family member” shall mean a:
        1. parent,
        1. stepparent,
        1. in-law,
        1. spouse,
        1. sibling,
        1. stepsibling,
        1. child,
        1. stepchild, or
        1. dependent relative

of the officer, official or employee, whether or not living in the household of the officer, official or employee.

Date Passed: Monday, January 27, 2020

Effective Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2020

ORD C35862 Section 1

February 23, 2025