City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 03
Chapter 03.07
Section 03.07.040

Title 03 Administration and Personnel

Chapter 03.07 Personnel Regulations

Section 03.07.040 Reimbursement of Expenses – In General

The mayor is directed to adopt and promulgate from time to time policies and procedures whereby officers and employees of the City are reimbursed for travel and other expenses necessarily incurred in performance of City business. All policies and procedures established to regulate the reimbursement of expenses to City officials and employees incurred while in performance of City business shall comply with the following guidelines, which shall supersede all City or department policies and procedures. For the purpose of this section, references to City employees shall include all employees, officers, elected or appointed officials and members of City boards and commissions.

  1. Meal Reimbursement.

The City shall provide reimbursement on a per diem basis to City employees for reasonable and necessary meal expenses incurred when traveling on City business or while engaging in City business while within the city so long as the meal expense was reasonable and necessary to the performance of the employee’s official duties. Meal reimbursement shall only be provided when the expense is incurred while engaging in City business. Meal reimbursement shall be pre-approved by the appropriate department head or division director. The City shall not reimburse an employee of any expenses associated with the purchase of alcohol. Meals paid for by the City and provided to an employee, a group of employees or board or commission members while engaging in the reasonable and necessary performance of City business shall not exceed the per diem basis for each employee or board/commission member as set forth in the policies and procedures established pursuant to this section for per diem meal reimbursement.

  1. Travel Reimbursement.

The City shall provide reimbursement to City employees for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for travel by the employee in the course of the employee’s employment. Any travel on behalf of the City shall be pre-approved on the appropriate travel authorization form by the appropriate department head or division director.

  1. Reimbursement Rates.

Reimbursement rates for meals and travel expenses permitted under this section shall be set forth pursuant to administrative polices utilizing established reimbursement methods that meet government accounting guidelines, including reimbursement guidelines established by the Washington State Office of Financial Management and the U.S. General Services Administration. When the provision for a per diem reimbursement provides a range of reimbursed rates, the City shall provide the lowest per diem rate of reimbursement.

  1. Guest Meals, Travel, Lodging and Entertainment Expenses.

The use of City funds for the purpose of providing meals, travel, lodging, beverages or any forms of entertainment for other persons, whether City employees or not, is prohibited and will not be reimbursed with the exception of nonresident applicants and appointees under SMC 3.07.010.

  1. Credit Cards

Credit cards issued to the City of Spokane may be used for reasonable and necessary travel expenses and must be returned to the City immediately upon return from travel. City employees, officers and elected officials are not authorized to retain or use credit cards issued to the City of Spokane except for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred during the course of travel on official authorized City business.

  1. Record Keeping

To claim reimbursement for authorized expenses the employee shall be required to submit all required documentation demonstrating the cost and nature of the expense to be reimbursed. All records related to reimbursement expenses shall be regarded as public records, and are subject to recording keeping and auditing procedures. Payment of reimbursable expenses shall be paid only after the expenses have been approved by the chief financial officer or his designee. A designee for the chief financial officer may include the City employee’s department head or division director.

  1. Accounting Rules and Regulations.

The chief financial officer shall be responsible to establish accounting rules and regulations pertaining to the procedures for reimbursing City employees for travel, meals, lodging and other related expenses associated with the employee’s performance of official City business. All rules and regulations shall additionally comply with the guidelines prescribed by the state auditor.

Date Passed: Monday, March 2, 2015

Effective Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2015

ORD C35235 Section 1

February 23, 2025