City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 04
Chapter 04.12
Section 04.12.010

Title 04 Administrative Agencies and Procedures

Chapter 04.12 Plan Commission

Section 04.12.010 Purpose
  1. Pursuant to Charter sections 126 through 128, there shall be a City plan commission (referred to in this chapter as the "commission"). In addition to exercising those powers granted to the commission in section 128 of the City’s Charter, the commission shall provide advice and make recommendation on broad planning goals and policies and on whichever plans for the physical development of the City that the city council may request the commission's advice by ordinance or resolution.
  1. The functions of the commission shall be advisory only.
  1. The commission shall provide opportunities for public participation in City planning by:
    1. providing through its own broadly based membership an informed opinion to complement the work of the City's elected officials and administrative departments;
    1. soliciting public comment, when pertinent, on planning issues of City-wide importance or of a substantial community concern, and evaluating comments received; and
    1. securing the assistance of experts and others with knowledge or ideas to contribute to City planning.
  1. Without limiting the generality of subsections (A) and (C ) of this section, the commission shall hold public hearings and make recommendations to the city council regarding the following matters:
    1. Amendments to the City’s comprehensive plan and the development regulations implementing the comprehensive plan.
    1. Changes in the corporate limits of the City, including the land use designations and zoning to become effective upon the annexation of any area proposed for annexation or which might reasonably be expected to be annexed by the City at any future time.
  1. Meetings of the commission, the minutes of its proceedings, and its findings and recommendations shall be open to the public.

Date Passed: Monday, March 2, 2009

Effective Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ORD C34403 Section 1

February 23, 2025