City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 04
Chapter 04.40
Section 04.40.080

Title 04 Administrative Agencies and Procedures

Chapter 04.40 Transportation Commission

Section 04.40.080 Duties and Responsibilities

The Transportation Commission shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

  1. The Transportation Commission shall study significant transportation issues and make recommendations to the Mayor and Council, consistent with Chapter 16A.84 of the Spokane Municipal Code and the City’s Comprehensive Plan (Transportation Element), and with due regard for the following considerations:
  1. Meet mobility needs by providing facilities for all transportation options, including walking, bicycling, public transportation, private vehicles, and other choices.
  1. Promote healthy communities by providing and maintaining a safe transportation system with viable active mode options that provides for the needs of all travelers, particularly the most vulnerable users.
  1. Encourage open, accessible, internal multi-modal transportation connections to adjacent properties and streets on all sides.
  1. Study and promote technological advancements in transportation infrastructure design, materials, and methods that improve safety, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance performance.
  1. Prioritize the safety of people walking, pursuant to SMC 16A.84.020.
  1. Collaborate with the Plan Commission to make recommendations for the City’s transportation system that further the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and support the City’s vision for the development and redevelopment of land.
  1. The Transportation Commission may consider and make recommendations on specific transportation projects as determined by the annual work plan and upon request by City staff or major stakeholders.
  1. Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program - The Transportation Commission, in consultation with the Plan Commission, shall review and make recommendations on street improvements as part of the Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program. Integrated Capital Management shall provide staff support to the Transportation Commission to help fulfill this duty.
  1. Transportation Benefit District - The Transportation Commission shall make recommendations to the City Council regarding a comprehensive program for the following programs:
  1. Use of Transportation Benefit District (TBD) program funds; and
  1. Use of funds allocated by the Street Department for residential/local access street maintenance; and
  1. Required investments in pedestrian improvements per SMC 08.16.060.

The Transportation Benefit District (TBD) Administrator and Integrated Capital Management shall provide staff support to the Transportation Commission to help fulfill this duty. The Street Department shall assist with identification of residential/local access streets appropriate for repair.

  1. Bicycle Master Plan - The Transportation Commission, in consultation with the Plan Commission and Bicycle Advisory Board, may initiate revisions to the Bicycle Master Plan and recommend projects and policies that support bicycling as a viable and safe form of transportation in the city of Spokane. The Planning and Economic Development Services Department and Integrated Capital Management shall provide staff support to the Transportation Commission to help fulfill this duty.
  1. Pedestrian Master Plan - The Transportation Commission, in consultation with the Plan Commission, shall review and recommend updates to the Pedestrian Master Plan as required by SMC 16A.84.030. The Planning and Economic Development Services Department and Integrated Capital Management shall provide staff support to the Transportation Commission to help fulfill this duty.
  1. Parking System - The Transportation Commission shall make recommendations for changing parking rates for on-street parking and recommend policies or projects to improve the parking environment. The Transportation Commission shall make funding recommendations for Parking System Fund eligible projects and activities as prioritized by the City Council in SMC 07.08.130. The City Parking Manager and the Code Enforcement and Parking Services Department shall provide staff support to the Transportation Commission to help fulfill this duty.
  1. Traffic Calming Program - The Transportation Commission shall make annual recommendations to the City Council on the following:
  1. the addition, relocation, or removal of automated traffic safety cameras consistent with Chapter 16A.64 of the Spokane Municipal Code and state law;
  1. Recommendations for projects and priorities to be funded by revenues generated from automated traffic safety cameras, consistent with state and local provisions governing the use of such funds; and
  1. the operation of the automated safety program and any contracts associated with its implementation.

The Commission may make recommendations more frequently than annually as needed. Nothing in this subsection shall affect camera locations, projects or expenditures previously approved by the City Council as of the effective date of this ordinance. The Manager of Neighborhood Connectivity Initiatives and Integrated Capital Management shall provide staff support to the Transportation Commission to help fulfill these duties.

  1. Annual Report – The Transportation Commission shall issue an annual report on the state of transportation in the city of Spokane. This report shall include the status of transportation projects, transportation improvement expenditures, revenues, construction schedules, any newly acquired data and predictive analytics, and the status and outcome of any transportation studies. Pursuant to RCW 36.73.160, the report shall satisfy the reporting requirements of the Transportation Benefit District.
  1. Annual Work Plan - The Transportation Commission shall establish an annual work plan in consultation with the directors of Integrated Capital Management, Planning and Economic Development Services, Street Department, Code Enforcement and Parking Services, the Transportation Benefit District Administrator, and the Manager of Neighborhood Connectivity Initiatives. The annual work plan shall be adopted by the City Council.
  1. At least once per year the Commission shall convene an ad hoc subcommittee, composed of Commission members and city staff, to review the details of all collisions occurring in the prior year that involve vehicles, bicycles and/or pedestrians and which result in death or serious injury on public ways within the City. After such review , the ad hoc subcommittee may propose design modifications to enhance roadway safety. Such recommendations need not be limited to the particular location of the incident and may propose system-wide changes if appropriate. The ad hoc subcommittee shall present its findings to the full commission either separately or as part of an annual report on fatal and serious injuries in the public way.
  1. The Commission shall meet no less than once per month, and may meet more frequently as needed or cancel regular meetings as circumstances may dictate. 

Date Passed: Monday, June 24, 2024

Effective Date: Friday, August 2, 2024

ORD C36517 Section 6

October 19, 2024