City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 05A
Chapter 05A.10
Section 05A.10.010

Title 05A Municipal Court

Chapter 05A.10 Jury Trials and Fees

Section 05A.10.010 Jury Trials and Fees
  1. Pursuant to RCW 3.50.135, in all civil cases, the plaintiff or defendant may demand a jury, which shall consist of six citizens of the state who shall be impaneled and sworn as in cases before district courts, or the trial may be by a judge of the municipal court, provided that no jury trial may be held on a proceeding involving a traffic infraction.
    1. A party requesting a jury shall pay to the court a fee which shall be the same as that for a jury in district court.
    1. If more than one party requests a jury, only one jury fee shall be collected by the court. The fee shall be apportioned among the requesting parties.
  1. Each juror shall receive ten dollars for each day in attendance upon the municipal court, and in addition in thereto shall receive mileage at the rate determined under RCW 43.03.060. Jury trials shall be allowed in all criminal cases unless waived by the defendant.

Date Passed: Monday, December 1, 2008

Effective Date: Thursday, January 1, 2009

C34342 Section 12

September 27, 2024