City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 07
Chapter 07.05
Section 07.05.470

Title 07 Finance

Chapter 07.05 Local Improvements

Article IV. Hearing Provisions

Section 07.05.470 Staff Report – Local Improvement District Assessment Roll Hearing

  1. The engineering services department prepares a report on the local improvement district assessment roll containing the following information:

    1. Description of the project.

    2. Map of the local improvement district.

    3. Copy of the ordinance ordering the formation of the local improvement district.

    4. Final itemized costs of the project.

    5. Final assessment for each tract, lot or parcel located within the local improvement district.

    6. Method of assessment used.

    7. Copy of all written objections and comments received.

    8. Copy of the mailed notice of the hearing and an affidavit or certificate of mailing, signed by the director of engineering services, stating the dates the notice was mailed.

    9. Copy of the published notice of the hearing and a certificate or affidavit of publication, signed by the city clerk, stating the dates of publication.
  2. The engineering services department makes a copy of its report available to the hearing examiner at least seven days before the date set for the hearing.

Date Passed: Monday, May 7, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Recodification ORD C34024 Section 1

February 23, 2025