City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 07
Chapter 07.08
Section 07.08.123

Title 07 Finance

Chapter 07.08 Funds

Article II. Special Revenue Funds

Section 07.08.123 Forfeitures and Contributions Fund

  1. There is created a special revenue fund to be known as the “forfeitures and contributions fund” into which will be placed moneys that are received, and must be spent for, specific purposes. Examples of the revenues for which this fund is intended to account are:

    1. forfeitures of the proceeds and instrumentalities of illegal drug activities,

    2. revenues from joint operations with other agencies,

    3. donations to particular programs and

    4. incidental sales of promotional items.
  2. Moneys in the fund are expended for the specific purposes for which they were received; and in the case of seizure and forfeiture for violations of Title 69 RCW, forfeited property and net proceeds not required to be paid to the state treasurer shall be used exclusively for the expansion and improvement of controlled substances related law enforcement activity.

Date Passed: Monday, May 7, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Recodification ORD C34024 Section 1

February 23, 2025