City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 08
Chapter 08.02
Section 08.02.010

Title 08 Taxation and Revenue

Chapter 08.02 Fees and Charges

Article I. General Provisions

Section 08.02.010 General Provisions
  1. The City, by its fees, attempts to further the following principles:

    1. Fees charged in connection with programs regulatory of private activities in the exercise of the police power shall be reasonably related to the costs and expenses of administering and enforcing the program.

    2. While regulatory programs under the police power promote the general welfare of the community as a whole, the costs should, so far as reasonably possible, be borne by the persons whose activities voluntarily undertaken create the need for regulations.

    3. Charges for municipal utility services should be designed to enable the utility to be self-supporting so that it operates neither at a loss requiring subsidy by the general fund, nor at a profit inuring to the benefit of the general fund. Rates should be based upon reasonable differences, including cost of service; location of customers; cost of maintenance, operation, repair and replacement of the various parts of the system; character of service furnished; quantity and quality of service; time of use; and capital contributions made to the system by way of assessments or otherwise.

    4. Some charge should be made whenever the City allows private use of public facilities or forbears collection of money owed in recognition of the premise that the City holds its moneys and property as a public trustee.

    5. When a person undertakes a renovation project of a building in the central business district which involves a building at least fifty years old and that is eligible for inclusion on the Spokane Register as an historic building, and when a project seeks to preserve and restore the historic value and character of said building; when the City further finds that the project confers a benefit of reasonably general character to a significant part of the public, the City may waive all of the street obstruction permit fees for the project.

    A person may appeal the City’s determination of a denial of the permit waiver to the hearing examiner.

  2. Definitions.

    1. “Amusement device” means a machine or device which provides recreation or entertainment, the outcome of which is determined to a material degree by the skill of the participant and for which a charge is made for use or play, including, without limitation, pool and billiard tables, shuffleboards, music machines, video games, pinball games, and riding devices; provided, however, that it does not mean or include any machine or device used exclusively for the vending of merchandise.

    2. “Central business district” means properties located east of Cedar Street, west of Pine Street, north of Third Avenue, and south of the Spokane River.

    3. “Entertainment facility” means any place of public accommodation in which amusement devices are offered or available for use or play, or in which music, dancing, or entertainment are offered or available and including teen clubs and all-ages venues.

Date Passed: Monday, June 5, 2017

Effective Date: Wednesday, July 19, 2017

ORD C35500 Section 2

February 23, 2025