City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 08
Chapter 08.04
Section 08.04.120

Title 08 Taxation and Revenue

Chapter 08.04 Gambling Tax

Section 08.04.120 Books and Records

  1. Every person subject to the tax under this chapter is required to keep and maintain for a period of five years such books and records as will accurately reflect the sums received which are taxable. All such books and records are subject to inspection and audit at any reasonable time, with or without notice, at the place where such records are kept upon demand by the chief financial officer or a designee for the purpose of determining compliance with this chapter.
  2. In the case of a taxpayer who maintains the required books and records in a place not in the City, the taxpayer can comply with this section by either producing the records as directed by the chief financial officer or bearing the cost of examination by City personnel at the place where they are kept. Such taxpayer electing to have the examination at the place where the records are kept is required to pay in advance the estimated costs for transportation, lodging, meals and related expenses. Adjustment of the costs advanced will be made based on actual costs after the examination is completed.
  3. Each operator of a punchboard must retain for inspection each punchboard removed from operation, unless by surrender to the state gambling commission, with its prize flare attached for a period of six months. Each operator of pull tabs must retain for inspection for each series removed from operation, unless by surrender to the state gambling commission, the prize display flare containing the commission’s identification stamp together with the unused pull tabs in that series, for a period of six months.

Date Passed: Monday, May 7, 2007

Effective Date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Recodification ORD C34025 Section 1

February 23, 2025