City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 08
Chapter 08.07C
Section 08.07C.050

Title 08 Taxation and Revenue

Chapter 08.07C Sales and Use Tax for Housing and Housing-Related Supportive Services

Section 08.07C.050 Funding Process
  1. No later than June 1 of each year following the effective date of this section, applications for construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition project funding shall be due for award in the following year. The construction of such projects shall commence within twenty-four (24) months of the award date.
  1. No later than May 1 of each year following the effective date of this section, applications for housing-related services funding shall be due for award beginning October 1 of each year. Such service contracts shall be no longer than twenty-four (24) months in duration.
  1. At least one (1) individual that serves on the Housing Action Subcommittee, one (1) individual that serves on the Equity Subcommittee, one (1) individual who represents impacted communities, and one (1) individual who serves on the CHHS Board, with the assistance of appropriate Administration and Council staff, shall receive and review all applications, and shall conduct such investigation and information-gathering as it deems appropriate in order to become fully knowledgeable concerning all applications.
  1. When making its recommendations for housing construction funding and housing related services, the sub-committee shall give priority to applications which meet the following goals:
    1. Constructing mixed-use housing;
    1. Constructing new units of affordable housing.
    1. Creating permanently affordable housing, defined as maintaining affordability for households earning up to 60% of AMI for at least forty (40) years for rental housing and for at least twenty-five (25) years for owner- occupied housing;
    1. Addressing the racial wealth gap through increasing homeownership for populations that have historically been subject to discrimination in housing markets or housing policy;
    1. Locating housing near public transit lines, preferably within 1/4 mile of a high-performance transit line;
    1. Distributing attainable housing throughout the City, in a variety of neighborhoods and in closer proximity to services such as parks and open space, schools, and grocery stores;
    1. Constructing units that are safe and accessible, regardless of age, physical ability or stature; and
    1. Constructing units that use less net energy and require less maintenance in order to reduce long term costs of ownership.
    1. Projects which include anti-displacement strategies;
    1. Constructing new units of affordable housing that would be shovel ready within 6 months and/or move-in ready within 18 months.
    1. Constructing new units of affordable housing that allow for occupant homeownership, rent-to-own leases, or cooperatively-owned multi-family projects.
  1. With the assistance of the appropriate Administration and Council staff and input from the City of Spokane Community, Housing and Human Services Board, the sub-committee shall make an initial written finding as to whether each application complies with the requirements of this chapter and include that finding with those project applications it recommends for approval, and shall forward such findings and the complete application file to the City Council or a standing Council committee, consistent with such process the Council shall determine by resolution, for its review.
  1. For each project application referred to a standing Council committee, if the standing Council committee agrees, by majority vote of the members present, with the sub-committee’s recommendation, the standing committee Chairperson shall forward each such project application, along with the sub-committee’s written findings, to the full City Council for consideration on its regular legislative agenda.
  1. Any funding awarded under the authority of this chapter shall be administered by the appropriate department of the City administration, and funding recommendations must take into account the historic performance of the applicant, both in the construction and the maintenance of housing.
  1. Any programs or projects awarded funding under the authority of this chapter must include a requirement of at least quarterly updates to Council on the status of the program or project including but not limited to any changes in the estimated date of completion, number of units constructed, and number of persons served. Once the project or programs are completed, a final update must be given to Council before the regular quarterly meetings are no longer required.

Date Passed: Monday, July 10, 2023

Effective Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023

ORD C36401

September 27, 2024