Title 10 Regulation of Activities
Division II. License Code
Chapter 10.39 Special Events
Section 10.39.010 Definitions
- “Applicant” is the person applying for the special event permit on their own behalf or on behalf of a group.
- “Assembly” is a public gathering or group of people organized for the purpose of advocating causes, public celebration, expressing ideas or conveying a message to the public or public display.
- “Alcohol service area” is a designated area within the public right of way where beer and wine are served (no spirits).
- “Commercial special event” means any special event organized and conducted by any person or group that does not qualify as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization.
- “Demonstration” is a public gathering for the purpose of a public display or the redress of grievances.
- “Expressive activity” includes conduct, the sole or principal object of which is the expression, dissemination, or communication by verbal, visual, literary or auditory means of opinions, views or ideas and for which no fee or donation is charged or required as a condition of participation in or attendance at such activity. For purposes of this chapter, expressive activity does not include sport events, fundraising events or events the principal purpose of which is entertainment.
- “Float” is any decorated parade entry.
- “Issuing Authority” means the person who issues the special event permit. For all events held on public property, the issuing authority is the chief of police or his or her designee.
- “Noncommercial special event” means:
- special event organized and conducted by a group that qualifies as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization, or
- special event whose principal purpose is expressive activity and does not involve fundraising.
- “Outdoor concert” is any organized event for the primary purpose of presenting live or recorded music or other amplified sounds for entertainment.
- “Parade” is any organized group marching or in procession, whether on foot, animal or vehicle.
- "Special event” is a preplanned activity sponsored by groups or organizations that (1) involves the use of public property or facilities, (2) impacts public and/or private property, and (3) may require the provision of public safety services. Special events include parades, demonstrations, entertainment, celebrations, amusement, cultural recognition, amateur sports demonstrations, competitive events, assemblies and outdoor concerts.
- “Tax-exempt nonprofit organization” means an organization that is exempted from payment of income taxes by federal or state law and has been in existence for a minimum of six months preceding the date of application for a special permit.
Date Passed: Monday, March 4, 2024 Effective Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024 ORD C36485 Section 1 |