Title 13 Public Utilities and Services
Chapter 13.02 Solid Waste
Article VII. Disposal Rates
Section 13.02.0560 General Mixed Solid Waste – Tonnage Fee
- For solid waste delivered to the Waste-to-Energy Facility (WTE), the charge shall be:
Per ton charge
Minimum charge per vehicle
- For solid waste delivered to the Northside Landfill, the charge shall be:
Per ton charge
Minimum charge per vehicle
- For solid waste delivered to the Waste to Energy Facility, which the director determines requires special handling, the charge shall be:
Per ton charge
Minimum charge per vehicle
- For solid waste delivered to any of the above facilities, from nonprofit generator accounts, the applicable per ton charge above listed in subsection A, B or C shall be reduced by thirty-five percent. The minimum charge per vehicle is:
- The generator shall identify itself as a section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code approved nonprofit enterprise or provide similar proof of qualification to the department.
- The waste shall be the product of the nonprofit business activities, which include waste reduction or recycling as a major component of its operations.
Date Passed: Monday, October 14, 2024
Effective Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2025
ORD C36589 Section 50