City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 13
Chapter 13.03A
Section 13.03A.0300

Title 13 Public Utilities and Services

Chapter 13.03A Pretreatment

Article III. Wastewater Discharge Permit

Section 13.03A.0300 Wastewater Discharge Permit Requirement – Individual, General Permits
  1. No significant industrial user (SIU) shall discharge wastewater into the POTW without first obtaining a discharge permit from the Plant Manager. Such permit must be enforceable and contain all the elements as required by 40 CFR 403.8(f)(1)(iii)(B). Failure to obtain a permit or permit violations are violations of this chapter. All applicable federal, state, and local pretreatment requirements and standards apply to permittees, whether or not stated in the permit.
  1. A discharge permit may be designed for an individual user (individual permit) or an identified class of users (general permit). A general permit is issued where a given class of users:
    1. involve the same or substantially similar types of operations;
    1. involve applicant classes as established by the Plant Manager discharging the same types of wastes;
    1. require the same effluent limitations;
    1. require the same or similar monitoring; and
    1. in the opinion of the Plant Manager, are more appropriately controlled under a general discharge permit than under individual discharge permits. (Cross reference: 40 CFR §403.8(f)(2))

Date Passed: Monday, November 9, 2020

Effective Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2020

ORD C35961 Section 23

February 23, 2025