City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 15
Chapter 15.01
Section 15.01.420

Title 15 Environmental Stewardship

Chapter 15.01 Commute Trip Reduction

Article I. Definitions

Section 15.01.420 Modification of CTR Program Elements

An affected employer may request a modification of its CTR program requirements. Such a request may be granted if the employer can demonstrate that all of the following conditions exist:

  1. The employer would be unable to comply with the CTR program elements for which it is seeking an exception for reasons beyond the control of the employer; or
  1. Compliance with the elements of the approved CTR program would constitute an undue hardship.
  1. The City or its contractor may ask the employer to substitute a program element of similar trip reduction potential rather than grant the employer’s request.
  1. The following criteria for achieving goals for VMT per employee and proportion of drive-alone trips are applied in determining requirements for employer CTR program modifications.
    1. If an employer meets either or both goals, the employer has satisfied the objectives of the CTR plan and will not be required to improve its CTR program.
    1. If an employer makes a good faith effort, as defined in RCW 70.94.534(2) and SMC 15.01.185 but has not met or is not likely to meet the applicable drive-alone or VMT goal, the City or its contractor may deem it necessary to work collaboratively with the employer to make required modifications to its CTR program. After agreeing on modifications, the employer shall submit a revised CTR program description to the City or its contractor for approval within thirty days of reaching agreement.
    1. If an employer fails to make a good faith effort, as defined in RCW 70.94.534(2) and SMC 15.01.185 and fails to meet the applicable drive-alone or VMT reduction goal, the City or its contractor shall direct the employer to revise its program and require modifications.
      1. In response to the required modifications the employer must submit a revised CTR program description and report, including the requested modifications or equivalent measures, within thirty days of receiving written notice to revise its program.
      1. The City or its contractor reviews the revisions and notifies the employer of acceptance or rejection of the revised program.
      1. If a revised program is not accepted, the City or its contractor will send written notice to that effect to the employer within thirty days and, if necessary, will require the employer to attend a conference with program review staff for the purpose of reaching a consensus on the required program.
      1. A final decision on the required program will be issued in writing by the City or its contractor within ten working days of the conference.

Date Passed: Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Effective Date: Thursday, July 8, 2010

ORD C34599 Section 52

February 23, 2025