City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 15
Chapter 15.02
Section 15.02.050

Title 15 Environmental Stewardship

Chapter 15.02 Carbon Monoxide Nonattainment Area Implementation Plan

Section 15.02.050 No-parking Zones

These special zones are established on the following streets, as described, and shall be so posted:

  1. Peak Hour Prohibition.

No parking between seven a.m. to nine a.m. and four p.m. to six p.m., Monday through Friday:

    1. Monroe Street.
      1. West side from Riverside Avenue to Third Avenue.
      1. East side from Sprague Avenue to First Avenue, from five hundred fifty-four and nine-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue to the alley south of Second Avenue.
    1. Lincoln Street.
      1. West side from five hundred sixteen and nine-tenths feet north of the north curb line of Second Avenue to two hundred forty-five and six-tenths feet north of the north curb line of Riverside Avenue.
      1. East side from one hundred eighteen and eight-tenths feet north of the north curb line of Third Avenue to Riverside Avenue, from seventy-three and four-tenths feet north of the north curb line of Riverside Avenue to Main Avenue.
    1. Wall Street.
      1. West side from Main Avenue to Spokane Falls Boulevard.
    1. Stevens Street.
      1. West side from Spokane Falls Boulevard to Main Avenue, from sixty-four and eight-tenths feet south of the south curb line of Riverside Avenue to two hundred fifty-four feet south of the south curb line of Fourth Avenue, from Fifth Avenue to two hundred thirty-nine feet south of the south curb line of Fifth Avenue, from Sixth Avenue to Seventh Avenue.
      1. East side from Spokane Falls Boulevard to eighty-four feet south of the south curb line of Sprague Avenue, from sixty-five and seven-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue to one hundred twenty-nine and nine-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue, from five hundred eleven feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue to Third Avenue, from forty-seven feet south of the south curb line of Third Avenue to two hundred thirty-eight feet south of the south curb line of Third Avenue, from Fourth Avenue to two hundred fifty-four feet south of the south curb line of Fourth Avenue, from Fifth Avenue to Seventh Avenue.
    1. Washington Street.
      1. West side from one hundred fourteen feet north of the north curb line of Sixth Avenue to Fourth Avenue, from one hundred eighteen feet north of the north curb line of Fourth Avenue to fifty-three and eight-tenths feet north of the north curb line of First Avenue, from Sprague Avenue to ninety-nine feet north of the north curb line of Riverside Avenue, from the alley north of Riverside Avenue to Spokane Falls Boulevard.
      1. East side from Sixth Avenue to Fourth Avenue, from seventy-five feet north of the north curb line of Fourth Avenue to the south curb line of First Avenue.
  1. No Parking Bus Zone.

No parking except Spokane Transit Authority buses:

    1. Howard Street.
      1. Both sides from First Avenue to Main Avenue.
  1. No Parking Any Time.
    1. Monroe Street.
      1. East side from sixty-five feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue to five hundred thirty-four and two-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue, from fifty-five feet south of the south curb line of Third Avenue to alley south of Third Avenue.
    1. Lincoln Street.
      1. West side from one hundred fifty-four and one-tenth feet north of the north curb line of Second Avenue to five hundred sixteen and nine-tenths feet north of the north curb line of Second Avenue.
    1. Wall Street.
      1. East side from two hundred seven and four-tenths feet north of the north curb line of Riverside Avenue to fifty-nine and nine-tenths feet north thereof.
    1. Stevens Street.
      1. East side from one hundred twenty-seven and nine-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue to five hundred eleven feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue.
    1. Washington Street.
      1. East side from Sixth Avenue to one hundred eighty-four feet north of the north curb line of Sixth Avenue.
  1. Commercial Loading Zones.
    1. Within the following described limits, commercial loading zones shall have effective hours of nine a.m. to four p.m.:
      1. Monroe Street.
        1. West side from Riverside Avenue to Third Avenue.
        1. East side from Sprague Avenue to Third Avenue.
      1. Lincoln Street.
        1. West side from Second Avenue to Main Avenue.
        1. East side from Third Avenue to Main Avenue.
      1. Wall Street.
        1. West side from Main Avenue to Spokane Falls Boulevard.
      1. Stevens Street.
        1. Both sides from Spokane Falls Boulevard to Seventh Avenue.
      1. Washington Street.
        1. Both sides from Seventh Avenue to Spokane Falls Boulevard.
      1. Howard Street.
        1. Both sides from First Avenue to Main Avenue.
    1. Within the following described limits, commercial loading zones shall have effective hours of six a.m. to six p.m.:
      1. Riverside Avenue.
        1. Both sides from Lincoln Street to Stevens Street.
    1. Within the following designated limits, commercial loading zones shall have effective hours of nine a.m. to three-thirty pm.:
      1. Monroe Street.
        1. East side from five hundred fifty-four and nine-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue to five hundred eighty-one and nine-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue.
      1. Stevens Street.
        1. East side from one hundred eight and five-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue to one hundred twenty-nine and nine-tenths feet south of the south curb line of First Avenue.

Date Passed: Monday, June 25, 2007

Effective Date: Saturday, August 4, 2007

Recodification ORD C34055 Section 1

February 23, 2025