City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17A
Chapter 17A.020
Section 17A.020.180

Title 17A Administration

Chapter 17A.020 Definitions

Section 17A.020.180 “R” Definitions
  1. RCW.

The Revised Code of Washington, as amended.

  1. Reasonable Cause.

A reasonable basis to believe or suspect that there is storage, seepage, spillage, accumulation, or use of critical materials or the pursuit of critical materials activities at a site or premises.

  1. Reconsideration – Request For.

A request to the appeal body to consider again or reverse the decision on the permit application.

  1. Recreational Vehicle.

A vehicle, which is:

    1. Built on a single chassis;
    1. Four hundred square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection;
    1. Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light duty truck; and
    1. Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use.
  1. Recycling Drop-off Center.

A facility for the drop-off and temporary holding of materials such as paper, cardboard, glass, metal, plastic, batteries, and motor oil.

    1. Processing of materials is limited to glass breaking and separation.
    1. Recycling materials are not sold to a recycling drop-off center.
    1. A recycling drop-off center is intended for household or consumer use.
    1. Use by commercial or industrial establishments is not included.
    1. Unattended drop-off stations for single materials, such as newsprint, are also not included.
  1. Recycling Operation.

A use where one or more recycling materials are accumulated, stored, sorted, or processed.

    1. A recycling operation may get recycling materials from drop-off centers, from a household or business pick-up operation, or from commercial or industrial uses.
    1. Materials may be processed on site or accumulated in large quantities for eventual sale or transfer to other processors.
    1. Recycling operation does not include the processing of yard debris or other decomposable material except for clean paper products.
  1. Redivision.

The redivision of a lot located within a previously recorded plat or short plat.

  1. Regional Shopping Mall – Enclosed.

A group of retail and other commercial establishments that is planned, developed, and managed as a single property, with on-site parking provided around the perimeter of the shopping center, and that is generally at least forty acres in size and flanked by two or more large “anchor” stores, such as department stores. The common walkway or “mall” is enclosed, climate-controlled and lighted, usually with an inward orientation of the stores facing the walkway.

  1. Registered Neighborhood Organization.

A community development block grant (CDBG) neighborhood steering committee, a neighborhood council, or other neighborhood or community group within the City that:

    1. Represents a specifically designated geographic area;
    1. Is governed by bylaws and has elected officers; and
    1. Has registered as such with the City and is on the current list of registered neighborhood organizations.
  1. Regularly.

Occurring consistently and repeatedly on an ongoing basis.

  1. Regulated Substance.

A critical material as referred to in 42 U.S.C. 6991(2).

  1. Related Persons.

One or more persons related either by blood, marriage, adoption, or guardianship, and including foster children and exchange students; provided, however, any limitation on the number of residents resulting from this definition shall not be applied if it prohibits the City from making reasonable accommodations to disabled persons in order to afford such persons equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling as required by the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988, 42 U.S.C. 3604(f)(3)(b) and the Washington Housing Policy Act, RCW 35.63.220.

  1. Religious Organization (or “Faith Based Organization”)

A federally protected practice of a recognized religious assembly, school, or institution that owns or controls real property (see RCW 36.01.290).

  1. Repair (see also “Maintenance”).

An activity that restores the character, scope, size, and design of a serviceable area, structure, or land use to its previously authorized and undamaged condition. Activities that change the character, size, or scope of a project beyond the original design, and drain, dredge, fill, flood, or otherwise alter additional wetlands are not included in this definition.

  1. Reservoir.

A body of water collected and stored in an artificial pool that is intended for future use.

  1. Residential Zone.

Those zones from RA through RHD.

  1. Responsible Party.

A person who is either:

    1. The property owner or person authorized to act on the owner’s behalf; or
    1. Any person causing or contributing to a violation of this chapter.
  1. Restoration.

See "Compensatory Mitigation” (SMC 17A.020.030).

  1. Revetment.

A sloped wall constructed of riprap or other suitable material placed on stream banks or other shorelines to slow down bank erosion and minimize lateral stream movement.

  1. Right-of-way.

A public or private area that allows for the passage of people or goods.

    1. Right-of-way includes passageways such as:
      1. freeways,
      1. streets,
      1. bike paths,
      1. alleys, and
      1. walkways.
    1. A public right-of-way is a right-of-way that is dedicated or deeded to the public for public use and under the control of a public agency.
  1. Riparian.
    1. Riparian habitat is defined as an area that contains elements of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, which mutually influence each other.
    1. It is the area where the vegetation, water tables, soils, microclimate, and wildlife inhabitants of terrestrial ecosystems are influenced by perennial or intermittent water, and the biological and physical properties of the adjacent aquatic ecosystems are influenced by adjacent vegetation, nutrient, and sediment loading, terrestrial wildlife, and organic debris from the land.
    1. Riparian vegetation includes not only streamside vegetation that is dependent upon presence of water, but also on the upland vegetation that is part of the zone of influence in the riparian area.
    1. Riparian habitats have high wildlife density and high species diversity. They serve as important wildlife breeding and seasonal ranges. They are important movement corridors and are highly vulnerable to habitat alteration.
  1. Riparian Habitat Area (RHA).

A defined area used to manage and buffer impacts to wildlife habitat and consists of landscape features that support fish and wildlife in areas near water bodies such as streams, rivers, wetlands and lakes.

  1. Riparian Wetland.

Wetlands located at the shore of a lake or river. The transitional area between aquatic and upland ecosystems that is identified by the presence of vegetation that requires or tolerates free or unbound water or conditions that are more moist than normally found in the area.

  1. Riprap.

A layer, facing, or protected mound of stones placed to prevent erosion, scour, or sloughing of a structure of embankment; also, the stone so used.

  1. River Delta.

Those lands formed as an aggradational feature by stratified clay, silt, sand, and gravel deposited at the mouths of streams where they enter a quieter body of water. The upstream extent of a river delta is that limit where it no longer forms distributary channels.

  1. Riverine.

Situated alongside or associated with a river.

  1. Roadway.
    1. Curbed roadways within the City limits and other urbanized areas are commonly and generically referred to as “streets.” Roadways outside the urban areas are most often not curbed, and are commonly and generically referred to as “roads.”
    1. Within the context of this code, “roadway” refers to any traveled way, either public or private, that has been platted or otherwise specifically dedicated for the purpose of circulation and will require a name in accordance with chapter 17D.050A SMC.
  1. Roadway Name.

Roadway names consist of three parts:

    1. Direction.
    1. Root name; and
    1. Suffix.
  1. Rock Shore.

Those shorelines whose bluffs and banks are typically composed of natural rock formations.

  1. Rockfall.

The falling of rocks from near vertical cliffs.

  1. Roof Line.

The top edge of a roof or building parapet, whichever is higher, excluding any cupolas, chimneys, or other projections.

  1. Root Name.

A maximum of two words, which are not considered part of the directional or suffix.

  1. Runoff.

Water that travels across the land surface, or laterally through the ground near the land surface, and discharges to water bodies either directly or through a collection and conveyance system. It includes stormwater and water from other sources that travels across the land surface.

  1. Runoff and Infiltration Controls.

Measures adopted to prevent damage due to flooding and erosion problems.

Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023

Effective Date: Monday, January 1, 2024

ORD C36459 Section 8

February 23, 2025