City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.111
Section 17C.111.110

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.111 Residential Zones

Section 17C.111.110 Limited Use Standards

The uses listed below contain the limitations and correspond with the bracketed [ ] footnote numbers from Table 17C.111.100-1.

  1. Group Living.

This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.111.100-1 that have a note [1]. Group living uses are also subject to the standards of chapter 17C.330 SMC, Group Living.

  1. General Standards.

All group living uses in RA, R1, R2, RMF and RHD zones, except for alternative or post incarceration facilities, are regulated as follows:

  1. All group living uses are subject to the requirements of chapter 17C.330 SMC, Group Living, including the maximum residential density provisions of Table 17C.330.120-1.
  1. Group living uses for more than six residents are a conditional use in the RA and R1 zones, subject to the standards of chapter 17C.320 SMC, Conditional Uses, and the spacing requirements of SMC 17C.330.120(B)(2).
  1. Group living uses for more than twelve residents are a conditional use in the R2 and RMF zones, subject to the standards of chapter 17C.320 SMC, Conditional Uses, and the spacing requirements of SMC 17C.330.120(B)(2).
  1. Exception.

Normally all residents of a structure are counted to determine whether the use is allowed or a conditional use as stated in subsections (A)(1)(a), (b) and (c) of this section. The only exception is residential facilities licensed by or under the authority of the state of Washington. In these cases, staff persons are not counted as residents to determine whether the facility meets the twelve-resident cut-off above, for which a conditional use permit is required.

  1. Alternative or Post Incarceration Facilities.

Group living uses which consist of alternative or post incarceration facilities are conditional uses regardless of size and are subject to the provisions of chapter 17C.320 SMC, Conditional Uses. They are also subject to the standards of chapter 17C.330 SMC, Group Living.

  1. Office.
    1. This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.111.100-1 that have a note [2]. Offices in the RMF and RHD zones and are subject to the provisions of chapter 17C.320 SMC, Conditional Uses and are processed as a Type III application.
  1. Basic Utilities.

This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.111.100-1 that have a note [3]. Basic utilities that serve a development site are accessory uses to the primary use being served. In the RA, R1, and R2 zones, a one-time addition to an existing base utility use is permitted, provided the addition is less than fifteen hundred square feet and five or less parking stalls located on the same site as the primary use. The addition and parking are subject to the development standards of the base zone and the design standards for institutional uses. New buildings or larger additions require a conditional use permit and are processed as a Type III application. New buildings or additions to existing base utilities uses are permitted in the RMF and RHD zones.

  1. Community Service Facilities.

This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.111.100-1 that have a note [4]. In the RA, R1, and R2 zones, a one-time addition to an existing community services use is permitted, provided the addition is less than fifteen hundred square feet and three or less parking stalls located on the same site as the primary use. The addition and parking are subject to the development standards of the base zone and the design standards for institutional uses. New buildings or larger additions require a conditional use permit and are processed as a Type III application. New buildings or additions to existing community services uses are permitted in the RMF and RHD zones.

  1. Daycare.

This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.111.100-1 that have a note [5]. Daycare uses are allowed by right if locating within a building or residence and providing services to no more than twelve (children or clients). Daycare facilities for more than twelve children are a conditional use and are processed as a Type II application in the RA, R1, and R2 zones. However, in the R1 zone, daycare centers up to forty children are permitted if locating within a building that currently contains or did contain a college, medical center, school, religious institution, or a community service facility.

  1. Religious Institutions.

This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.111.100-1 that have a note [6]. In the RA, R1, and R2 zones, a one-time addition to religious institutions is permitted, provided the addition is less than one thousand five hundred square feet and fifteen or less parking stalls located on the same site as the primary use. The addition and parking are subject to the development standards of the base zone and the design standards for institutional uses. New buildings or larger additions require a conditional use permit and are processed as a Type II application. The Planning Director may require a Type II conditional use permit application be processed as a Type III application when the Director issues written findings that the Type III process is in the public interest. Applicants must comply with the community meeting requirements set forth in SMC 17G.061.110 prior to submitting an application. New buildings or additions to existing religious institutions uses are permitted in the RMF and RHD zones.

  1. Schools.

This regulation applies to all parts of the Table 17C.111.100-1 that have a note [7]. In the RA, R1, and R2 zones, a one-time addition to schools is permitted, provided the addition is less than five thousand square feet and five or less parking stalls located on the same site as the primary use. The addition and parking are subject to the development standards of the base zone and the design standards for institutional uses. New buildings or larger additions require a conditional use permit and are processed as a Type II application. The Planning Director may require a Type II conditional use permit application be processed as a Type III application when the Director issues written findings that the Type III process is in the public interest. Applicants must comply with the community meeting requirements set forth in SMC 17G.061.110 prior to submitting an application.

  1. Agriculture.

This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.111.100-1 that have a note [8]. The keeping of large and small domestic animals, including bees, is permitted in the RA zone. See chapter 17C.310 SMC, Animal Keeping, for specific standards.

Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023

Effective Date: Monday, January 1, 2024

ORD C36459 Section 16

February 23, 2025