City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.111
Section 17C.111.330

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.111 Residential Zones

Section 17C.111.330 Screening
  1. Purpose.

The screening standards address specific unsightly features, which detract from the appearance of residential areas, such as garbage and recycling areas, mechanical equipment, and exterior storage.

  1. Screening shall comply with the clear view triangle requirements defined in SMC 17C.111.245(G).
  1. Screening Implementation.
  1. Except as provided below, fire escapes, or exterior stairs that provide access to an upper level shall be located behind the front façade of the building and screened or enclosed so that they are not visible from a public or private street. (R)
    1. Exception: The initial half flight of stairs on the ground floor is not required to be screened from view of a street provided it is under the roof of the building and located behind the front façade.
  1. Garbage and Recycling Areas. All exterior garbage cans, garbage collection areas, and recycling collection areas must be screened from the street and any adjacent properties. (R)
  1. Exterior storage shall take place from the rear of the main dwelling unit to the rear of the property line and meet the standards of SMC 17C.111.250. (R)
  1. Screening must comply with at least one of the following criteria: (R)
      1. L1 Visual Screen meeting SMC 17C.200.030(A).
      1. A sight-obscuring fence that meets height requirements set forth in SMC 17C.111.245 or through the use of screening pursuant to SMC 17C.200.070(A)(1).
      1. Be located inside a storage shed or garage that meets all applicable setback standards and provides full sight obstruction.
  1. Storage areas are not allowed within fifteen feet of a street lot line. (R)
  1. Mechanical Equipment. Mechanical equipment located on the ground, such as heating or cooling equipment, pumps, or generators must be screened from the street and any adjoining residential uses by walls, fences or vegetation that is at least as tall as the equipment. Mechanical equipment on roofs must be screened from the ground level of any adjoining residentially zoned properties. (R)

Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023

Effective Date: Monday, January 1, 2024

ORD C36459 Section 16

February 23, 2025