City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.111
Section 17C.111.335

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.111 Residential Zones

Section 17C.111.335 Parking Facilities
  1. Purpose.

To integrate parking facilities with the building and surrounding residential context, promote pedestrian-oriented environments along streets, reduce impervious surfaces, and preserve on-street parking and street tree opportunities.

  1. Parking Facilities Implementation.
  1. The combined width of all garage doors facing the street may be up to fifty percent of the length of the street-facing building façade. For attached housing, this standard applies to the combined length of the street-facing façades of all units. For all other lots and structures, the standards apply to the street-facing façade of each individual building. See Figure 17C.111.335-A. (R)

Figure 17C.111.335-A. Garage Door Standard

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  1. Street-facing garage walls must be set back at least two feet from the primary street-facing building façade. (R)
  1. Access to Parking.
    1. Vehicular access to parking from an alley, improved street, or easement is required if parking is required pursuant to chapter 17C.230 SMC Parking and Loading. (R)
    1. If the lot abuts a public alley, then vehicle access shall be from the alley unless the applicant requests a waiver of the requirement and the Planning Director determines that one of the following conditions exists: (R)
        1. Existing topography does not permit alley access; or
        1. A portion of the alley abuts a nonresidential zone; or
        1. The alley is used for loading or unloading by an existing nonresidential use; or
        1. Due to the relationship of the alley to the street system, use of the alley for parking access would create a significant safety hazard.
    1. For lots with vehicle access through an alley, garages shall not be accessed from the street. (R)
    1. Where off-street parking is provided for attached housing or for two or more units on one lot, only one driveway approach and sidewalk crossing for each two dwellings may be permitted. See Figure 17C.111.335-B. (R)
    1. Driveway approaches shall be separated by a minimum distance of 36 feet. The Planning Director will grant an exception to this standard if the 36-foot separation from existing driveways on adjacent lots would preclude vehicular access to the subject lot. See Figure 17C.111.335-B. (R)
  1. Parking structures, garages, carports, and parking areas other than driveways shall not be located between the principal structure and streets. (P)

Figure 17C.111.335-B. Paired Driveways and Minimum Spacing

Diagram, engineering drawing
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Date Passed: Monday, November 20, 2023

Effective Date: Monday, January 1, 2024

ORD C36459 Section 16

February 23, 2025