Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.120 Commercial Zones
Section 17C.120.110 Limited Use Standards
The paragraphs listed below contain the limitations and correspond with the bracketed [ ] footnote numbers from Table 17C.120-1.
- Group Living.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [1].
- General Standards.
All group living uses except for alternative or post-incarceration facilities are allowed by right.
- Alternative or Post Incarceration Facilities.
Group living uses which consist of alternative or post incarceration facilities are conditional uses.
- Adult Business.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [2]. Adult businesses are subject to the additional standards of chapter 17C.305 SMC.
- Commercial Parking.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [3]. In the O and OR zones, a commercial parking use provided within a building or parking structure is a conditional use. Commercial parking on surface lots is not permitted in the O and OR zones.
- Drive-through Facility.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [4]. In the O and OR zones, a drive-through facility is permitted only when associated with a drive-through bank. In addition, in the OR zone, for a florist use approved by a special permit, sales of non-alcoholic beverages, and sale of food items not prepared on site, including drive-through sales of such items are allowed as an accessory use at locations situated on principal arterials or a designated state route. Drive-through facilities are subject to the additional standards of SMC 17C.120.290 and SMC 17C.325.
- Quick Vehicle Servicing.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [5]. Quick vehicle servicing uses are permitted only on sites that have frontage on a principal arterial street. Quick vehicle servicing uses are subject to the additional standards of SMC 17C.120.290.
- Retail Sales and Service Uses Size Limitation.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [6]. Retail sales and services are limited in size in order to reduce their potential impacts on residential uses and to promote a relatively local market area. Retail sales and services uses are limited to the following:
- When retail sales and services uses are located within an office building, the retail sales and services may be larger than three thousand square feet, but may not exceed ten percent of the total floor area of the building exclusive of parking areas located within the structure.
- Uses not within an office building which are listed as sales-oriented under SMC 17C.190.270(C), retail sales and service, are limited to three thousand square feet of total floor area per site exclusive of parking areas located within a structure.
- Uses other than a hotel, motel, private club or lodge which are listed as personal service-oriented, entertainment-oriented or repair-oriented under SMC 17C.190.270(C), retail sales and service, that are larger than three thousand square feet are a conditional use. A hotel, motel, private club or lodge may be larger than three thousand square feet.
- Required Residential Limitation.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [7]. The limitations are stated in SMC 17C.120.280.
- Industrial Size Limitation.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [8]. These types of uses are limited in size to assure that they will not dominate the commercial area and to limit their potential impacts on residential and commercial uses. In addition, if the planning and economic development services director determines that the proposed use will not be able to comply with the off- site impact standards of chapter 17C.220 SMC, the planning and economic development services director may require documentation that the development will be modified to conform with the standards.
- Individual uses in the NR and NMU zones are limited to five thousand square feet of floor area per site exclusive of parking are
- Individual uses in the CB zone that exceed twenty thousand square feet of floor area per site exclusive of parking area are a conditional use.
- Individual uses in the GC zone that exceed fifty thousand square feet of floor area per site exclusive of parking area are a conditional use.
- Mini-storage Facilities Limitation.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have an [9]. The limitations are stated with the special standards for these uses in chapter 17C.350 SMC, Mini-storage Facilities.
- Outdoor Activity Limitation.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [10]. Outdoor display, storage or use of industrial equipment, such as tools, equipment, vehicles, products, materials or other objects that are part of or used for the business operation is prohibited.
- [Deleted]
- [Deleted]
- Mobile Food Vending.
This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.120-1 that have a [13]. All mobile food vendors shall have a valid mobile food vending license issued pursuant to SMC 10.51.010 Mobile Food Vendors.
Date Passed: Monday, April 29, 2024
Effective Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
ORD C36514 Section 4