City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.120
Section 17C.120.220

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.120 Commercial Zones

Section 17C.120.220 Height
  1. Purpose

The height limits are intended to control the overall scale of buildings. The height limits in the O, NR and NMU zones discourage buildings that visually dominate adjacent residential areas. The height limits in the OR, CB and GC zones allow for a greater building height at a scale that generally reflects Spokane’s commercial areas. Light, air and the potential for privacy are intended to be preserved in single-family residential zones that are close to commercial zones.

  1. Height Standards

The height standards for all structures are stated in Table 17C.120-2. Exceptions to the maximum height standard are stated below.

  1. Maximum Height.

Exceptions to the maximum structure height are designated on the official zoning map by a dash and a height listed after the zone map symbol (i.e., CB-150). Changes to the height limits require a rezone. Height limits are forty feet, fifty-five feet, seventy-five feet, or one hundred fifty feet depending on location.

  1. Buildings and structures over fifty feet in height must follow the design, setback and dimensional standards found in chapter 17C.250 SMC, Tall Building Standards.
  1. Adjacent to R1 and R2 Zones.

To provide a gradual transition and enhance the compatibility between the more intensive commercial zones and adjacent R1 and R2 residential zones:

      1. For all development within one hundred fifty feet of R1 or R2 zoned properties the maximum building height is as follows:
        1. Starting at a height of forty feet at R1 and R2 property boundaries, additional building height may be added at a ratio of 2 to 1 two feet of additional building height for every one foot of additional horizontal distance from the closest R1 or R2 zoned property line.


Figure 17C.120.220: Height Transition


  1. Projections Allowed.

Chimneys, flag poles, satellite receiving dishes, and other similar items with a width, depth or diameter of five feet or less may rise ten feet above the height limit, or five feet above the highest point of the roof, whichever is greater. If they are greater than five feet in width, depth or diameter, they are subject to the height limit.

  1. Rooftop Mechanical Equipment.

All rooftop mechanical equipment must be set back at least fifteen feet from all roof edges that are parallel to street lot lines. Elevator mechanical equipment may extend up to sixteen feet above the height limit. Other rooftop mechanical equipment which cumulatively covers no more than ten percent of the roof area may extend ten feet above the height limit.

  1. Radio and television antennas, utility power poles, and public safety facilities are exempt from the height limit except as provided in chapter 17C.355A SMC, Wireless Communication Facilities.
  1. Special Height Districts

Special height districts are established to control structure heights under particular circumstances such as preservation of public view or airport approaches. See chapter 17C.170 SMC, Special Height Overlay Districts.

Date Passed: Monday, August 12, 2024

Effective Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024

ORD C36555 Section 2

February 23, 2025