City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.120
Section 17C.120.290

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.120 Commercial Zones

Section 17C.120.290 Drive-through Facilities

Drive-through facilities are allowed in the zones that are intended for auto-accommodating development. They are limited in areas where the desired character is pedestrian-oriented development. The standards for drive-through facilities are stated in chapter 17C.325 SMC, Drive-through Facilities.

  1. CB and GC Zones.
    Drive-through facilities are allowed in the CB and GC zones.
  2. NR and NMU Zones.
    In the NR and NMU zones, drive-through facilities are allowed on sites that are adjacent to a principal arterial street. Ingress and egress for the drive-through facility shall be from the principal arterial street and is prohibited from a local access street.
  3. O and OR Zones.
    In the O and OR zones, a drive-through facility is permitted only when associated with a drive-through bank. In addition, in the OR zone, for a florist use approved by special permit, sales of non-alcoholic beverages, and sale of food items not prepared on site, including drive-through sales of such items are allowed as an accessory use at locations situated on principal arterials or a designated state route. A drive-through facility for a drive-through bank shall have no more than two lanes and shall be located only on sites that are adjacent to a principal arterial street. Ingress and egress for the drive-through facility shall be from the principal arterial street and is prohibited from a local access street.

Date Passed: Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Effective Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2005

ORD C33636 Section 1

September 26, 2024