City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.120
Section 17C.120.510

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.120 Commercial Zones

Section 17C.120.510 Ground Floor Windows – Building Design
  1. Purpose.
    In the O, OR, NR, NMU, CB and GC zones, blank walls on the ground level of buildings are limited in order to:

    1. provide a pleasant, rich and diverse pedestrian-friendly experience by connecting activities occurring within a structure to adjacent sidewalk areas;

    2. encourage observation or viewing opportunities by restricting fortress-like facades at street level; and

    3. avoid a monotonous pedestrian environment.
  2. Required Amounts of Window Area.
    These provisions apply to nonresidential building facades between two feet and ten feet above the level of the adjacent sidewalk, walkway or ground level.

    1. A minimum of fifty percent of any ground floor nonresidential building facade that is visible from and located within twenty feet of the lot line of an arterial street designated on the arterial street plan shall be comprised of windows with clear, “vision” glass allowing views into the interior. Display windows may be used to meet half of this requirement. (P)

    2. A minimum of thirty percent of any ground floor nonresidential building facade that is visible from, fronting on, and located within sixty feet of the lot line of an arterial street designated on the arterial street plan shall be comprised of windows with clear, “vision” glass allowing views into the interior. Display windows may be used to meet half of this requirement. (R)

    3. For portions of facades that do not have windows, see guidelines for treating blank walls, SMC 17C.120.570. (R)

Date Passed: Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Effective Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2005

ORD C33636 Section 1

February 23, 2025