City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.130
Section 17C.130.110

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.130 Industrial Zones

Section 17C.130.110 Limited Use Standards

The paragraphs listed below contain the limitations and correspond with the bracketed [ ] footnote numbers from Table 17C.130.100-1.

  1. Group Living.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [1].

    1. Group living uses are allowed on sites within one-quarter mile of the Spokane River where residents can take advantage of the river amenity. The planning and economic development services director may authorize a group living use greater than one-quarter mile from the Spokane River if the applicant demonstrates that the site has a river viewpoint and a pedestrian connection to the river. Group living uses shall provide buffering from adjacent industrial lands by use of berms, landscaping, fencing or a combination of these measures or other appropriate screening measures deemed appropriate by the planning and economic development services director. The proposal shall include a design, landscape and transportation plan which will limit conflicts between the residential, employment and industrial uses.
    1. Alternative or Post Incarceration Facilities.

Group living uses which consist of alternative or post incarceration facilities are not permitted.

  1. Residential Household Living.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [2].

    1. Residential household living uses are allowed on sites within one- quarter mile of the Spokane River where residents can take advantage of the river amenity. The planning and economic development services director may authorize a residential living use greater than one-quarter mile from the Spokane River if the applicant demonstrates that the site has a river viewpoint and a pedestrian connection to the river. Residential uses shall provide buffering from adjacent industrial lands by use of berms, landscaping, fencing or a combination of these measures or other appropriate screening measures deemed appropriate by the planning and economic development services director. The proposal shall include a design, landscape, and transportation plan, which will limit conflicts between the residential, employment and industrial uses.
    1. A single-family residence may be erected on a lot having a side property line which adjoins a lot in a residential zone, with or without an intervening alley, or on a lot which has less than one hundred feet of frontage and has residences existing on all lots adjoining its side property lines.
    1. Living quarters for one caretaker per site in the LI, HI and PI zones are permitted.
  1. Group Living and Residential Household Living.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [3]. Group living and residential household living uses may be permitted in the PI zone as a part of a binding site plan under the provisions of the subdivision code or a planned unit development under the provisions of Division G – Administration and Procedures. A minimum of fifty percent of the site within the binding site plan or planned unit development shall be in manufacturing and production, industrial service or office uses. Group living and residential household living uses shall be buffered from industrial lands by use of berms, landscaping, fencing or a combination of these measures or other appropriate screening measures deemed appropriate by the planning and economic development services director. The buffering improvements shall be developed on the residential portion of the binding site plan or planned unit development at the time the residential uses are constructed. The site development plan shall include a design, landscape, and transportation plan, which will limit conflicts between the residential and industrial uses.

  1. Adult Business.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [4]. Adult businesses are subject to the following standards:

    1. Chapter 17C.305 SMC, Adult Business.
    1. Adult businesses are subject to the size requirements specified in item [5] below applicable to retail sales and services uses in the light industrial (LI) zone.
    1. In addition to the standards in subsections (4)(a) and (b) of this section, adult businesses are permitted only in the light industrial zone adult business overlay zone as designated on the official zoning map.
  1. Retail Sales and Service Uses Size Limitation.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [5]. Retail sales and service uses are allowed if the floor area plus outdoor sales and display and outdoor storage area is not more than sixty thousand square feet per site. Retail sales and service uses where the floor area plus the outdoor sales and display and outdoor storage area is more than sixty thousand square feet per site are a conditional use.

  1. Retail Sales and Service Uses Size Limitation.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [6]. Retail sales and service uses are allowed if the floor area plus outdoor sales and display and outdoor storage area is not more than twenty thousand square feet per site. Retail sales and service uses where the floor area plus the outdoor sales and display and outdoor storage area is more than twenty thousand square feet per site are a conditional use.

  1. Retail Sales and Service Uses Size Limitation.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [7]. Retail sales and service uses are allowed if the floor area plus the outdoor sales and display and outdoor storage area is not more than three thousand square feet per site. Retail sales and service uses where the floor area plus the outdoor sales and display and outdoor storage area is more than three thousand square feet per site may be permitted as a part of a binding site plan under the provisions of the subdivision code or a planned unit development under the provisions of the zoning code. A minimum of fifty percent of the site area of the uses in the planned unit development or binding site plan shall be in manufacturing and production, industrial service or office uses.

  1. Mini-storage Facilities.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [8]. The limitations are stated with the special standards for these uses in chapter 17C.350 SMC, Mini-Storage Facilities.

  1. High Impact Uses.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [9]. High impact uses shall be located a minimum of six hundred feet from the boundary of a residential or commercial zone.

  1. Colleges, Medical Centers, Daycare and School Uses.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have an [10]. Colleges, medical centers, daycare and school uses may be permitted as a part of a binding site plan under the provisions of the subdivision code, or a planned unit development under the provisions of the zoning code. A minimum of fifty percent of the site within the planned unit development or binding site plan shall be in manufacturing and production, industrial service or office uses. Colleges, medical centers, daycare and school uses are allowed within the planned unit development or binding site plan provided that the site development includes a design, landscape and transportation plan which will limit conflicts between the college, medical center, daycare, school and industrial uses.

  1. Wireless Communication Facilities.

See chapter 17C.355A SMC.

  1. Mobile Food Vending.

This standard applies to all parts of Table 17C.130.100-1 that have a [12]. All mobile food vendors shall have a valid mobile food vending license issued pursuant to SMC 10.51.010.

Date Passed: Monday, November 2, 2015

Effective Date: Monday, November 2, 2015

ORD C35312 Section 15

February 23, 2025