City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.180
Section 17C.180.040

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.180 Airfield Overlay Zones

Section 17C.180.040 Airfield Overlay Zone Boundaries

In order to carry out the purpose and intent of the airfield overlay zones as set forth above, and to restrict those uses which may be hazardous to the operational safety of aircraft operating to and from airfields within the City of Spokane and Spokane County, the following air space and land use safety areas are established.

  1. Spokane International and Felts Field Overlay Zones.
    1. Surface Overlay Zones.
      1. Five airport land use Airport Compatibility Zones (ACZ) are based upon Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) division of aviation guidelines. These are further based on federal aviation accident data from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and are shown on the airfield overlay zone map maintained by the planning services department.
      1. Airfield Noise Zone.

Those areas within one eighth of a mile of where it has been determined that existing or potential noise levels exceed sixty-five LdN (day-night average sound level). The planning services department maintains the official map that shows where substantial noise impact areas occur or are anticipated and shall be amended when conditions change or as new information becomes available.

    1. Airspace Overlay Zones.

Federal Aviation Regulations part 77 establishes civil airport imaginary surfaces for the regulation of airspace surrounding airports. These imaginary surfaces and any revisions made thereto are adopted by reference and made an official part of this chapter. The size of each imaginary surface is based on the category of each runway according to the type of approach available or planned for that runway. The slope and dimensions of the approach surface applied to each end of a runway are determined by the most precise approach existing or planned for that runway end. The planning services department shall make available to the public upon request up-to-date maps and descriptions of the FAR 77 Civil Airport Imaginary Surfaces.

Date Passed: Monday, April 30, 2012

Effective Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012

ORD C34852 Section 3

February 23, 2025