Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.180 Airfield Overlay Zones
Section 17C.180.090 Limited Use Standards
Where a maximum density is specified it is the intent of these provisions to prohibit large numbers of people concentrated into a small area and that no portion of a site shall be permitted to be developed into facilities that contain occupancy capacity for more than the number of people specified per acre. Except that in some instances, after consulting with airport personal, the planning services director, may make a determination that a clustering of density will make the proposed use more compatible with airport operations because of the location of flight patterns.
- Residential Living.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.180.080-1 that have a note [1].
- In the airfield noise zones and ACZ-1, 2, 3, and 4 one single-family home is permitted on each existing lot where the underlying zoning is R1, R2, RMF, or RHD. Residential uses are not permitted where the underlying zoning is commercial or industrial. More than one residential unit may be permitted in the RMF and RHD zones. The density shall not exceed the existing average density on the adjoining properties. The average density of the adjoining properties shall be calculated by dividing the combined number of residential units on all the adjoining properties by the combined acreage of the adjoining properties excluding property dedicated as right-of-way. Subdivisions that result in additional residential lots or zoning changes that allow for further densification are not permitted after the adoption date of this chapter.
- Residential uses are permitted in ACZ-5 only when the underlying zoning is R1, R2, RMF, RHD except that mobile and manufactured home parks are not permitted. Residential uses are not permitted where the underlying zoning is commercial or industrial.
- High Intensity Uses.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.180.080-1 that have a note [2].
- In ACZ-2 religious institutions, funeral homes, libraries, non-aviation related museums, fraternal organizations, and entertainment oriented uses (amusement park, bowling alley, theater, stadiums, and arenas, etc.) are not permitted. Sales and services oriented uses, eating and drinking establishments, offices, hotels, and motels are allowed when permitted by the underlying zoning at a net density not exceeding forty persons per acre calculated by dividing the building code occupancy of all structures on the site by the acreage of the subject site not including property that has been dedicated as right-of-way.
- In ACZ-3 religious institutions, funeral homes, libraries, non-aviation related museums, fraternal organizations, and entertainment oriented uses (amusement park, bowling alley, theater, stadiums, and arenas, etc.) are not permitted. Sales and services oriented uses, eating and drinking establishments, offices, hotels, and motels are allowed when permitted by the underlying zoning at a net density not exceeding seventy persons per acre calculated by dividing the building code occupancy of all structures on the site by the acreage of the subject site not including property that has been dedicated as right-of-way.
- In ACZ-4 airport uses and associated activities such as offices, restaurants and eateries serving airport users are the only high intensity uses permitted when allowed in the underlying zone.
- In ACZ-5 non-aviation related museums, horse racing tracks, speedways, stadiums, and arenas are not permitted. All other high intensity uses are allowed when permitted by the underlying zoning at a net density not exceeding one hundred eighty persons per acre calculated by dividing the building code occupancy of all structures on the site by the acreage of the subject site not including property that has been dedicated as right-of-way.
- High Intensity Uses.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.180.080-1 that have a note [3]. High intensity uses are allowed when permitted by the underlying zoning except for religious institutions, libraries, and outdoor amphitheaters.
- Vulnerable Occupants Use.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.180.080-1 that have a note [4]. Uses with vulnerable occupants may be allowed when permitted in the underlying zone at a net density not exceeding one hundred eighty persons per acre calculated by dividing the building code occupancy of all structures on the site by the acreage of the subject site not including property that has been dedicated as right-of-way. Except that retirement homes, nursing homes, convalescent facilities, assisted living residences, community care facilities, daycares, preschools, hospitals and schools (grades k-12) are not permitted.
- Critical Community Infrastructure.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.180.080-1 that have a note [5]. Police, fire stations, and ambulance service uses are allowed when permitted in the underlying zone. No other critical community infrastructure is permitted.
- Sound Insulation Requirements.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.180.080-1 that have a note [6]. Structures intended for human occupancy shall be designed to achieve an interior noise level not exceeding forty-five decibels.
- Hazardous Uses.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.180.080-1 that have a note [7].
- Mining may be permitted in ACZ-2 and ACZ-3 with type III conditional use permit if the hearing examiner, after consulting airport and base personnel, finds that the proposed mining operation will not create a hazard for aviation operations.
- Hazardous uses may be permitted in ACZ-5 with type III conditional use permit if the hearing examiner, after consulting airport and base personal, finds that the proposed use will not create a hazard for aviation operations or significantly exacerbate an aircraft accident.
- ACZ-1.
This regulation applies to all parts of Table 17C.180.080-1 that have a note [8]. No above-ground structures or utilities are permitted. Except that on lots existing prior to the adoption of this chapter the minimal structures necessary to allow for reasonable and economically viable use of the property may be permitted when the director determines that the structure(s) would not threaten public health, safety, or welfare on or off the property. The inability to the applicants to derive an economically viable use shall not be the result of actions by the applicant in subdividing the property, adjusting boundary lines or other land use activity thereby creating the undevelopable conditions after the effective date of this chapter.
Date Passed: Monday, April 30, 2012 Effective Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012 ORD C34852 Section 5 |