City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.182
Section 17C.182.110

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.182 Fairchild Overlay Zones

Section 17C.182.110 Height Restrictions
  1. Structures may not be constructed, altered or maintained which would penetrate military airspace or vegetation allowed to grow into or project into military airspace as described in UFC 3-260-01. The Federal Aviation Administration shall review all development requests for consistency with this requirement. The planning services director may require a development applicant to provide such technical documents and illustrations as necessary to demonstrate that the proposed development will not penetrate an imaginary surface. Where an area or improvement is subject to more than one military airspace height limitation specified in this chapter, the more restrictive limitation shall prevail.
  2. Upon submission of an application for development approval, the filing of FAA form 7460-1 or any other appropriate federal forms necessary to comply with federal military airspace protection requirements may be required based on overall height, location, and/or nature of the proposed improvement. Federal military airspace requirements are included in department of defense publication UFC-3-260-01 and in FAA Codified Federal Regulation (CFR) part 77.
  3. Proposed developments that have the potential to penetrate military airspace as described in UFC 3-260-01 will be reviewed by Fairchild AFB. The planning services director shall consider Fairchild AFB comments and recommendations prior to a final decision on the proposed development.

Date Passed: Monday, April 30, 2012

Effective Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012

ORD C34852 Section 1

February 23, 2025