City of Spokane

Spokane Municipal Code

Title 17C
Chapter 17C.182
Section 17C.182.200

Title 17C Land Use Standards

Chapter 17C.182 Fairchild Overlay Zones

Section 17C.182.200 Military Influence Areas (MIA) Established

Fairchild Air Force Base Military Influence Areas (MIA) are hereby established as integral components of the Fairchild Overlay Zone (FOZ). Land within the MIAs is subject to the regulations of the underlying zones as well as the regulations specified in this chapter. The MIAs are illustrated on the official zoning map and are described as follows:

  1. Military Influence Area 1 – Relating to Regional and Non-Geographic Specific Activities.

MIA 1 encompasses the geographical area within Spokane County’s boundaries to include all the County’s cities. The Fairchild AFB Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) for this MIA identified two types of strategies for MIA 1. The first type of strategy applies to Spokane County as a whole and can vary in geographic scope depending on the specific issues. The second type of strategy does not apply to a specific geographic area because they are processes and procedures related to local governments. An example of this is a JLUS strategy which suggests the creation of a JLUS coordinating committee that will oversee implementation of JLUS strategies intended to protect Fairchild AFB. Other strategy examples include but are not limited to promoting intergovernmental and interagency coordination and collaboration regarding planning and development activities within MIA 1 potentially affecting Fairchild AFB; such as incorporating military housing needs in comprehensive plans; and implementing evaluation processes that protect military airspace and preventing conflicts with military electronic communications systems.

  1. Military Influence Area 2 – Coordination and Collaboration Area.

This MIA extends approximately twenty-six thousand four hundred feet (approximately five miles) from the Fairchild AFB runway. This MIA defines an area where Fairchild AFB aircraft over flights occur and where avigation easements are necessary. More extensive interagency coordination is required regarding evaluation of land use policies and development proposals potentially affecting Fairchild AFB operations. Additionally, prevention of bird strikes on aircraft and other wildlife intrusions affecting Fairchild AFB operations are discouraged, Fairchild AFB and FAA review of project proposals are required to ensure that structures do not penetrate department of defense military airspace and prevent interference with military electronic communications. MIA 2 is also intended to promote an enhanced level of notification to the public regarding military aircraft over flight and their associated impacts.

  1. Military Impact Area 3/4 – Land Use Compatibility Area/Sound Impact Area.
    1. MIA 3/4 is the primary land use impact area whereby land uses and development densities have the potential to adversely impact Fairchild AFB operations and is illustrated on the official zoning map. MIA 3/4 applies land use restrictions and use densities to protect the health and safety of the general public and assure that uses will not conflict with Fairchild AFB operations and prevent concentrations of people in harm’s way. The shape and scope of MIA 3/4 is based on an evaluation of military aircraft over flight patterns and in consideration of proximity to the military aircraft sixty-five Ldn sound impact contour.
    1. The sixty-five Ldn sound contour is illustrated in the 2008 Noise Technical Report for the Fairchild Air Force Base JLUS, figure 4, Fairchild scenario 3 involving deployment of current and future aircraft.
    1. MIA 3/4 also serves as a noise reduction area. The purpose for designating MIA 3/4 as a noise reduction area is to require use of sound reducing design and materials in the new residential structures.

Date Passed: Monday, April 30, 2012

Effective Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012

ORD C34852 Section 1

February 23, 2025