Title 17C Land Use Standards
Chapter 17C.182 Fairchild Overlay Zones
Section 17C.182.400 Accident Potential Zones Established
In order to carry out the purpose and intent of the Fairchild Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) Study and to restrict those land uses which may be hazardous to the operational safety of Fairchild AFB aircraft or threaten the safety of the occupants of the use, the following Accident Potential Zones (APZ) are hereby established and are illustrated on the official zoning map:
- Clear Zone.
The clear zone at each end at of the Fairchild AFB runway is three thousand feet wide (one thousand five hundred feet wide on each side of the runway centerline) by three thousand feet long extending from the runway threshold. Accident potential on or adjacent to the runway or within the clear zone is so high that the necessary land use restrictions would prohibit reasonable economic use of land. Proposed land uses in the clear zone shall be in accordance with Table 17C.182.410-1.
- Accident Potential Zone (APZ) I.
APZ-I is three thousand feet wide (one thousand five hundred feet wide on each side of the runway centerline) by five thousand feet long extending to eight thousand feet from the runway threshold. APZ-I begins at the outer boundary of the clear zone. Proposed land uses in APZ-I shall be in accordance with Table 17C.182.410-1.
- Accident Potential Zone (APZ) II.
APZ-II is three thousand feet wide (one thousand five hundred feet wide on each side of the runway centerline) by seven thousand feet long extending to fifteen thousand feet from the end of the runway threshold. APZ-II commences at the outer boundary of APZ-I. Proposed uses in APZ-II shall be in accordance with Table 17C.182.410-1.
Date Passed: Monday, April 30, 2012
Effective Date: Saturday, June 16, 2012
ORD C34852 Section 1